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Welcome to all the new people

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  • Welcome to all the new people

    Just wanted to say welcome to all the new people who have been posting on this forum over the last little while. It's great to see so many new "faces". I've been posting here for years and it's a very friendly, supportive place and the mods are great. Hope everyone is staying happy and healthy throughout this season.

  • #2
    Hi everyone new! Welcome!


    • #3
      Thank you.


      • #4
        Thank you so much. I thought I only gained a little weight during Covid lockdown, but when I recently stepped on a scale, it was much worse than I thought. I need to do something because I'm elderly with a heart condition. I'm scared but trying to be optimistic.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sydney Peritz View Post
          Thank you so much. I thought I only gained a little weight during Covid lockdown, but when I recently stepped on a scale, it was much worse than I thought. I need to do something because I'm elderly with a heart condition. I'm scared but trying to be optimistic.
          I gained 21 pounds during the first 3 years of the pandemic. Like, from March 2020 to March 2023. My blood pressure went way up. I've lost 7 pounds since March. It's not a super fast rate or anything, but it's what I can manage. I made small changes. I go for a walk 5 days a week. I started at 10 minutes, but now I'm up to 30 minutes. I always stay close to home in case I need to cut it short, especially now that it's hot out. It's been pretty fun getting to recognize neighbors I never really noticed before since I go at the same time each day. I also stopped eating dessert during the week, only on weekends. I have an orange instead. I stopped drinking soda and drink water instead, sometimes with lemon or lime juice in it. It's tiny things but it's making a big difference!
          I hope you find the strategy you need too. It definitely sounds scary, but you can do this. Start small and within reach and build as you can.


          • #6


            • #7
              Helllo Everyone ! Roksa


              • #8
                Bonjour ? tous

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