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If i eat healthy will I lose weight?

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  • If i eat healthy will I lose weight?

    If I start cutting out too many junk foods and sugary foods and if I start eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, healthy fats and good proteins and exercise, will I just naturally lose weight? I'm trying to decide if I'm looking at this backward. Do I get healthy by losing weight, or will i lose weight by starting to live more healthy?

  • #2
    You might. You'll definitely feel better doing it. You'll need to be active too. Food is a main point, but exercise, sleep, and stress control also play an important role. This is a good first step though and will make you much more likely to keep off any lost weight.


    • #3
      Like Bonniekins said, eating whole foods instead of anything prepackaged will in itself improve your overall wellbeing along with being more active. I will say it's important to remember that weight loss isn't the sole marker of good health. You can lose weight by staying in a caloric deficit with junk food. However, you're off to the right track by first focusing on making healthy choices and habits to improve your health. The weight loss will come with keeping your calories lower than your daily needs. I hope this helps; keep at it and don't give up!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rezultz View Post
        Like Bonniekins said, eating whole foods instead of anything prepackaged will in itself improve your overall wellbeing along with being more active. I will say it's important to remember that weight loss isn't the sole marker of good health. You can lose weight by staying in a caloric deficit with junk food. However, you're off to the right track by first focusing on making healthy choices and habits to improve your health. The weight loss will come with keeping your calories lower than your daily needs. I hope this helps; keep at it and don't give up!
        Thanks, that's pretty much what my hope is, you just said it better than I did. I've been working on eating healthier already and I'm walking almost every day now. This is a start. I'll do more. I'm finding it tough to cut out all the processed foods. I didn't realize how many I was eating until I tried to get rid of most of them. For the moment, I'm banning myself from fast food restaurants. Anything with a drive-thru is not allowed. I'll let myself have it as a rare treat in the future, but for now, I'm trying to build the good habits. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm finding motivation and energy are my most important resources right now.


        • #5
          It's a balance. If you're eating healthy foods, then you can get healthy and lose weight and get the benefits of both of those things at the same time.


          • #6
            I've started having a big salad before lunch and before dinner, and I have yogurt and fruit every day for breakfast. That way, once I get to the higher calorie part of my meal, even if it's healthy food, I don't eat as much of it because I'm filled up on massive salad. It's great because I still get to taste the fun stuff too!


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