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Winter weight gain

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  • Winter weight gain

    I’ve been doing great over the last few months, since last spring, with my weight loss, but now that the weather is getting colder, it’s getting a lot harder for me to stick to light foods and to exercise quite as much (because I like to go for walks or walk-jogs outside, the most, but when it’s freezing or when it gets icy I won’t be able to do that as much).

    Is it inevitable that I’m going to gain some weight over the winter? It just seems like if I want to keep up the efforts I’ve been doing that are healthy over the spring summer and fall, I will be really unhappy and I’ll probably just end up dropping the whole thing. Any advice?

  • #2
    Just because it’s winter it doesn’t mean that you can’t keep doing the things that you like to do. If you normally swim outside, then head to an indoor community pool. If you normally walk outside then you can still do that. You just need to get the right gear. If you layer and bundle up really well then you should still be able to get out and do a lot of the same exercises that you enjoyed in the warm weather. Just don’t let the temperature stop you by putting on the right clothing.


    • #3
      I find it easier to exercise in winter than summer. Summer is to hot! In winter, at least you can get out and do a lot before you start to sweat, and then cooling down is just a matter of taking off a scarf or unzipping your jacket a little bit. I also find that if you walk to exercise you don’t have to go as far since it’s such a workout to go any distance on snow and ice!


      • #4
        Originally posted by RWL
        I would say it is, generally people have more energy in the summer than the winter, plus there is the fact that its easier to go outside and exercise in the summer.

        And then there is the fact that winter is a time where people eat (Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.).

        In terms of advice one of the best things you can do is find a sport or form of exercise which is easy to do inside. I'm not a fan of gyms (they bore me) however badminton is a fun alternative which can really raise your heart rate.
        I never even thought of badminton. That's a good idea for an indoor sport if you have the space for it like if you join a team.


        • #5
          I am so mad at myself! I just ate way too much during the holidays and I gained weight when my intention was just not to gain. I knew I wouldn't lose but I really didn't want to gain.

          I think that it's going to be importnat for me to learn some self control in 2015.

          I'm going to do my best for this, this year and I'm going to walk every single day for the next two weeks, no matter the weather!


          • #6
            As long as you can get the motivation, it's way easier to exercise in the winter than in the summer. You don't have to worry about putting on as much sunscreen (usually all you need to cover is your face), and you likely won't get as sweaty when you workout outdoors because you can always just shed a layer of clothing to cool down instead of just baking. That way, you don't have to shower so many times a day just becuase you're not always covered in sweat. Way more convenient


            • #7
              In winter, don’t eat more heavy meats and sauces. Eat heavier veggies. You’ll keep your nutrients and fiber up. You’ll be satisfied, but calories will stay down.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ron View Post
                In winter, don’t eat more heavy meats and sauces. Eat heavier veggies. You’ll keep your nutrients and fiber up. You’ll be satisfied, but calories will stay down.
                That's actually a really good idea. I have started doing things like making pureed squash soup with milk because that comes out like a thick soup no matter what and that feels like it’s a thick cream sopu when it’s actually pretty light.


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