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Women's Health

In addition to what are usually thought of as "women's health" issues such as pregnancy health and menopause, there are many other conditions that are much more common in women, and may be due in part to biological differences between the sexes. For example, autoimmune diseases are the third most common major illness in the United States, impacting more than 8.5 million Americans. And three out of four people suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and lupus, are women.

One of the most common autoimmune conditions is rheumatoid arthritis(RA), a debilitating form of arthritis that affects 2.1 million Americans, mostly women. This chronic, systemic disease manifests in the synovial lining of joints and can only be controlled, not cured. Pain is the chief symptom of RA, along with swelling, stiffness, joint damage and lack of mobility. The immune malfunction might reach beyond joints in RA patients, so symptoms of other autoimmune diseases, such as Sjogren's syndrome and psoriasis, are not uncommon.

Lupus, meanwhile, is a lifelong disease characterized by an immune system attack on various tissues and organs, including the skin, joints, lungs, heart and kidneys. People who develop lupus suffer a range of symptoms—from joint aches, high fevers, arthritis, chronic fatigue and anemia to skin rashes, kidney dysfunction and chest pain during deep breathing. The Lupus Foundation of America reports more than 1.5 million Americans suffer some form of the disease. However, lupus has a knack for mimicking other illnesses, making accurate epidemiology on the disease elusive. Lupus affects women 10 to 15 times more frequently than men.

Scientists are still unsure exactly what causes immune system malfunctions, but they suspect a mixture of possible contributors, including environmental toxins, chronic stress, viral infections, lack of sunlight, hormones, pregnancy and heredity. Genes can determine the status of various immune components; yet, the presence of genetic markers for certain autoimmune outcomes does not necessarily manifest in disease. The exact manifestations of the autoimmune condition may be variable but they are generally linked by chronic inflammation, which suggests some commonality in nutritional treatments.

Women's Health Articles

Weight Loss and Acne

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Your skin can begin showing signs of acne development due to numerous causes, amongst which change in body weight is the most prevalent. However, there are constant hormonal changes your body is going through, for which treatments can only be given when you consult your doctor and are prescribed the right medicines. The reason why acne breakouts occur is because...

Simple Ways to Lose Weight

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Despite what the other side has to say about equality and discrimination, the truth when it comes to losing weight is women do have it way worse than men! As magnificent as it is to be able to bear a child, it comes with a lifelong price women have to pay. Our bodies are made to save energy and develop...

Supplements for Breast Health

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Considering taking vitamins or supplements for breast health? Below is a short guide to the best supplements that are easily available on the market. Vitamin D Research shows about 350,000 incidences of breast cancer can be prevented each year with the use of vitamin D. It is especially essential for women who don’t get too much sun exposure. Cod liver...

Balance Women's Hormones

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The trouble your hormones can cause! Your hormones can greatly affect your everyday lifestyle. From mood swings to sugar cravings, from PMS to menopause, from weight gain to weight loss, from feeling randy to feeling no desire for sex, and the list goes on. So, here are a few exercises that can help balance women’s hormones. Exercise in Moderation Exercise...

Women can Reduce Caloric Intake

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The basic formula for weight loss revolves around the daily consumption of calories. The easiest way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit, which means burning more calories than you consume. It is the simplest and most effective way to lose weight. This requires you to change a couple of habits and you are good to go, as...

Top 5 Teas for Women

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Picking out the right teas for women can be a little bit difficult. You need to watch that you are not drinking something that is going to make you sick or mess around with your hormones. When you need to pick out some great teas for women, go for these five options for the best results. · Black cohosh—the first...

Facial Exercises

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If you are looking for a lean and toned face that is going to make you look like you are years younger, than you need to learn how to do some good facial exercises. These are really going to just take a few minutes of your time each day but they will give you amazing results. Here are some of...

Foods for Energy Every Woman

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You know that there are some foods that you should eat and some which are best to avoid. When you think of this in the capacity of weight loss then it seems very easy, for you just want to avoid the foods that are high in fat and void of any real nutritional benefits. If however you are trying to...

Top Supplements for Boosting Strength

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Today’s women require good supplements for boosting strength so that they can be the incredible creatures they were made to be. When it comes to developing an optimal physique, there is little debate on the importance of finding and religiously taking the best dietary supplements on the market. However, simply walking into a drugstore to search blindly for a product...

Naturally Balance Female Hormones

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It might surprise you that the ability to balance female hormones is easier than you think. Sure there are a great number of products out that may offer help in this area. There is an entire industry dedicated to this need as so many women experience trouble with this at some point in time. It may be necessary to help...

Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Women

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Every woman should keep a few things in mind when working toward her fitness and nutritional goals. Here are 10 fitness and nutrition tips every woman should embrace: 1. Consider Eating Healthy Instead of giving up food altogether, consider adding healthy food items to your diet. Eat vegetables and lean meats as a healthier diet option. 2. Consume Healthy Snacks ...

Curb PMS Cravings When Dieting

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PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) cravings aren't all in our heads like some would like us to believe. It is however, something that is there for a reason but has been thrown out of whack. We can curb PMS cravings while we are dieting and here we will share some of why this happens and how we can achieve success. What is...

Diet Secrets for Women

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One of the best things that you can do for your diet is to learn truly effective weight loss tips from people who have actually tried them with successful results. Sometimes, even a small piece of advice can help to turn an average diet plan into something highly effective. Women around the world have been sharing diet secrets for achieving...

Ways to Combat PMS Symptoms

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If you suffer from PMS, then you want to know the best ways to combat PMS symptoms. This is a frequently misunderstood health concerned, mostly because many people do not regard it as a legitimate or serious issue. There are a lot of jokes out there about PMS, but the truth is that it’s no laughing matter. For a woman...

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Cellulite can feel as though it’s a curse word.  There are times when we don’t think about it – mostly in the winter when we’re fully covered – and times when it can feel like the ultimate curse.  What is this puckered, strange formation on our bodies and how is it different from regular areas where fat is stored? What...

UN Cautions There Are Specific Coronavirus Health Risks for Women

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Coronavirus health risks affect us all. That said, due to how new COVID-19 remains, scientists and doctors are still learning about what they are.  Some of the more rapid-onset signs and symptoms have been easier to identify. However, discovering precisely how we’re affected and how certain groups of people are affected differently than others takes time. That said, the symptoms...

Soy and Women's Health Information

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Soy and women’s health regularly make their way into the headlines.  Every now and again, there is a new study, or the media likes to remind us of information that has already been published.  While some of this data indicates that products made from this ingredient are great for us, others suggest there are unwanted aspects as well. How do...

Women Should Know About Cervical Cancer

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Cervical cancer is a risk for virtually every woman. Fortunately, there are many steps that can be taken to prevent, achieve early diagnosis, and treat it before it becomes problematic. These have been available in women’s health care for many years and have become increasingly simple and reliable. That said, many women don’t have even the most basic knowledge of...

Foods to Avoid and Eat During Your Period

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Throughout the days ahead of the start of menstruation and while you’re on it, you can experience a huge range of uncomfortable symptoms. But if you know what to eat during your period and what not to have, you can keep those discomforts to a minimum. Symptoms can include everything from fatigue to bloating, mood swings to food cravings, breast...

Why Sleep Is So Important for Women's Health

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Sleep is important for maintaining your overall health whether you are a man or a woman, but it turns out that adequate amounts of sleep are especially necessary for women. Keep reading to learn more about why sleep is so important for women's health, and so you can learn the importance of adjusting your schedule to ensure you get enough sleep...

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