Exercise Program Reviews

Just as there are countless diet plans on the market, so are there exercise programs. While the fact that there is a variety of programs is certainly good news, as it provides different options for people, allowing them to try out and select routines and workouts that are best suited to their desires and body needs, it’s a good idea to read exercise programs reviews online prior to implementing one into your lifestyle.

Why? Exercise programs reviews can tell you a lot about what an exercise program that may be of interest to you entails, giving you an idea of what you can expect and the overall effectiveness of the method.

Of course, not every review you find online will be of help to you. Some of the feedback that is left by consumers who have supposedly tried these exercise programs is either made up by individuals who have never actually tried the products or techniques themselves, or contain short and useless info that generally states what was liked without giving any details as to why. Therefore, you may be wondering what a good review looks like.

The following is a list of some of the important points you should look for when using exercise programs reviews as a source of information:

  • The full name of the exercise programs
  • Who created it and information about this person
  • What it is designed to do (i.e. what areas of the body does it target)
  • How it works (i.e. what equipment, techniques, supplements, etc. are involved)
  • What type of results should occur and how long before progress can be seen
  • The best time of day to engage in the workout
  • How long it takes to complete
  • Any side effects experienced by the body – positive or negative
  • Who it is most recommended for and why
  • Who should avoid it

Many of the above points are more likely to be found in exercise programs reviews written by professionals for informational purposes than in feedback that has been left by consumers. That said, it will serve you well to read evaluations from actual users of the program, as they can provide you with a more realistic view of the type of results they experienced firsthand and the positive and negative aspects they encountered. Just be sure to read numerous reviews to obtain a well rounded perspective.

The more data you can find out about the exercise programs you’d like to try, the better understanding you will have and the more likely you will be able to determine what feels right for you. Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to discuss any new exercise regimen you intend to adopt with your doctor prior to starting it.

8 Minutes in the Morning Exercise Program

User Rating: 5 / 5

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The book "8 Minutes in the Morning", written by Californian diet and fitness guru Jorge Cruise, is an easy, quick and simple formula to lose 2 pounds per week. This exercise program was developed for people who do not have time to get to the gym or fitness club as it can be done at home with little or no...

Slim in 6

User Rating: 4 / 5

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Slim in 6 is a workout program by Debbie Siebers from BeachBody and is intended to be a 6 week exercise program. This program is made especially for people who are around the age of 50 and under, due to the intense workout. In addition to Slim in 6's intense workout plan, it also encourages you to follow the 6-Day Express...

Club Fit Yummy Mummy

User Rating: 5 / 5

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There are many reasons why people gain extra weight, and each is as personal as the next. The hard part of getting that weight off is finding the right program. Some feel weight loss programs can be effective, if only these would better fit with a person\'s lifestyle. The Club Fit Yummy Mummy program was designed for women who have...

Fat X Program

User Rating: 4 / 5

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The Fat X Program is a fat burning workout program with a recommended eating plan that should help maximize what the exercise can do for your body. If you eat a bad diet, the program is not going to work as well for you, but that does not mean you have to give up. As with any diet and exercise...