
Fitness Articles

Weight Loss Center has a growing library of weight loss, health, and diet-related articles to help our visitors meet their weight loss goals, manage their weight and live healthy lives. We hope that you find our Fitness Articles informative and helpful.

How to Stay Fit and Sexy

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This year, you’ve worked very hard to make sure that you know how to stay fit and sexy and while you may have made progress, what is clear is that this isn’t something that you will be able to stop if you want to look your best . Whether you’ve already achieved your goal and you are simply hoping to...

Women Avoid Heavy Weights

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Whether you work out at home or at the gym, if you are a woman who wants to tone her muscles and gain more strength, you may be wondering whether or not women should use heavy weights. After all, many women think that if you want to prevent bulky muscles, you need to stick with light weights. But is this...

Bra Issues During Workouts

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You know that you have to wear the right clothing in order to support your body while you exercise, and if you are having annoying bra issues during workouts, you could end up wasting more time adjusting your wardrobe than actually performing your reps. If that is the case when you hit the gym, check out a few tips below...

Fun Dance Workouts to Lose Weight

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Dancing is a fun way of getting into shape. You can perform dance workouts to lose weight at home while watching fitness videos or listening to your favorite songs as it is a productive way to lose weight. Here are some of the popular dance workouts to lose weight for getting fit and healthy: Zumba Zumba is actually a swift...

Strong Arms and Shoulders

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Paying monthly gym fees or buying expensive gym equipment is not exactly everyone’s cup of tea. Maybe you travel a lot or have a jam-packed schedule which leaves you unable to go to the gym. Thankfully, there is a routine which will allow you to build a strong arms and shoulders. It is easy and convenient and you can fit...

Skinny Jeans Workout to Get Slim

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It seems we are always trying to fit in with the latest fashion fad, but fitting into skinny jeans is actually quite an accomplishment and can leave you in a healthier state. If you are not willing to exercise, it can be tough to get into those tight-fitting pants. The positive results from our skinny jeans workout will not be...

Turkish Getup Safely

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There are some exercises that may seem to intimidate you even before you try them out. If you are new to kettlebells or this type of workout you might feel that this is a category of exercise that you simply can’t master—but you can usually surprise yourself once you put your mind to it! The reality is that you will...

Effective Workouts for Women

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For a woman, getting into great shape can be pretty difficult. This is due to the unique hormonal and physical attributes of the female body. However, the task is not impossible if you know about some easy yet effective workouts for women. Stop trying to train like one of the guys and instead start getting into better physical condition with...

Right Workout for Your Body Type

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There are three fundamental body types—namely, ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. People with an ectomorph are lean with a thin, delicate build and do not gain weight easily. People with a mesomorph body are muscular and boast a hard, rectangular build. They can easily gain or lose weight. And the third type, people with an endomorph body type, are fleshy with...

The Best Squat Variation for Women

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It goes without saying that squats are among the best workouts for losing weight and achieving the body of your dreams, especially for women. There is no exercise that stretches and works on your core like the squat, but at the same time, it is important to find the best form of squat to ensure you achieve the best results....

Butt-Toning Exercises

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Being able to tone your glutes and thigh muscles from anywhere you choose is a lot like finding a buried treasure. It is very true that there are a lot of people who find it rather difficult to shape up their backsides, and leading a busy life all the time does not help matters at all. The good news is...

Tricep Workouts for Women

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Planning to go sleeveless? Of course, you need toned-up arms for the look. Or are you merely looking to stay in shape? In any case, tricep workouts are a must. Below are some simple, basic, yet effective tricep workouts for women for attaining toned arms and muscles. One-Arm Press One-arm press is an effective yet simple exercise to achieve toned...

Dance Workouts

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For as long as one can remember, women have wanted to find a successful method of losing weight easily, minus the side effects—but that rarely happens. Truth be told, even after millions of diet pills, diet programs, weight loss belts, and other weird methods, exercise is the healthiest and most effective way to get rid of those extra pounds once...

Right Workout for Your Body Type

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One of the biggest workout mistakes people make is not selecting the right exercises. Many people who want to lose weight or gain muscle end up selecting a routine that is not suitable. Due to this, they do not get the desired results. Eventually, they give up and quit their exercise regimen. The trick here is to make sure that...

Working Out with a Friend Can Help

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Different individuals enjoy handling their workout regimens differently. Some prefer working out alone. This allows them to focus on the exercise they are doing. Others prefer the company of a workout partner. They are able to focus on their workout in a much better manner if they have a partner. There are certain advantages of working out with a partner....

Exercise Requirements for Optimal Fitness

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Optimal fitness is based on many factors- height, weight, gender, and so on. The exercise requirements for optimal fitness are really simple and can be implemented into any lifestyle. In addition to exercise it is also equally as important to eat a diet that allows your blood sugar to stay stabilized. When it comes to exercise requirements your follow through...

Weight Loss Activities and Exercise

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In the quest to change your body you may very well want to find weight loss activities that don’t actually feel strenuous to you. Though this may sound like a tall order, it may be easier than you think. You want to start by thinking through what you enjoy or what you are passionate about. That way rather than just...

Getting Bulky Muscles

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It’s the fear that keeps women from doing strength training, but the reality is that bulky muscles aren’t really an issue for most women. Since so many women worry that they will bulk up if they do strength training they tend to focus only on cardio. Sure this is great for losing some weight and burning calories, but you don’t...

Beginners Fitness Challenge

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Are you ready for a beginner’s fitness challenge you’ll actually achieve? Looking for one that you’ll love to do? You’ve found the right place. You’ll not only find that this is exactly what you need to get where you’re going, but it’ll be something you’ll be proud of doing along the way. Share your progress on social media and get...

Why Start Playing a Sport

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This seems like a strange time to be discussing how to start playing a sport, until you really think about it. The days are getting longer. The holidays and forgotten New Year’s resolutions are well behind us.  Now, it’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to get active and remain that way over the long term.  Joining a...

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