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Fitness Articles

Weight Loss Center has a growing library of weight loss, health, and diet-related articles to help our visitors meet their weight loss goals, manage their weight and live healthy lives. We hope that you find our Fitness Articles informative and helpful.

Must Have Songs for Any Fitness Playlist

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Face it, you want to have a fitness playlist that makes a great motivator and makes things go faster. But you should have a great playlist that you look forward to using. Here we will share the must have songs for any fitness playlist.   What elements must the fitness playlist songs have?   Well it’s not like us to...

Muscle Growth Supplements That Work

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Though they have received a lot of bad press in recent years, there are some muscle growth supplements that can work well. The problem is when they get into the wrong hands or they are used improperly. They should not be used as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, nor should they be abused and taken in improper amounts. If...

Great Sources of Free Workout Videos Online

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Face it, we don’t all have the time to workout and can’t all afford the gym so free workout videos are gaining popularity. Here we will give you the heads up on the best sources for free workout videos.   Free Workout Videos:   Youtube has so many channels from the most popular workout gurus to the lesser celebs out...

Get Out of The Cold With These Indoor Cardio Exercises

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When the cold of winter calls it can feel hard to work out, but that’s why these indoor cardio exercises can help. Many people tend to use the cold bitter elements as an excuse not to work out. Don’t let that be you! Where there’s a will there’s a way and if you can focus on the right types of...

Best Exercises for Spring Time

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Though by the end of winter, most people are desperately waiting for the last of the snow to melt and for the warmer days to step forward, it is at that time that the majority of us realize that we need the 5 best spring exercises to bail us out for having been so lazy throughout the winter months. All...

Safe Exercising

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Exercise should be included in every effort to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Equally important is realizing your physical abilities and following a safe exercise plan for you. If it has been some time since you have exercised, ease yourself back into a regular routine, gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts as your body becomes more fit. ...

Interval Training and Weight Loss

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Whether you’re trying to make the most of your workout, or get the biggest gain for your effort, Interval Training can work for you. Interval Training (IT) also known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is commonly used by professional athletes and regular exercisers trying to extended the benefits of their workout routine. By alternating bursts of high intensity movement...

Exercise Routine That Maximizes Weight Loss

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If you are exercising for either weight loss or heart health, you do not want to mess around with activities that are giving you meager results. You want an exercise routine that is going to keep you moving, keep your heart pounding, and that will burn off the most calories. You do not have a lot of time to waste,...

Exercise and Weight Loss

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Exercise is a crucial part of any weight loss program. Exercise and weight loss are stongly linked together and this relationship should never be ignored. Not only is exercise important for healthy weight loss, but it is also great for your body and long-term health.   Regular exercise naturally increases your body's metabolism so that body fat is burned more...

How to Get a Six Pack

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Six Pack Abs have long been sought after as the quintessential evidence of a well-defined physique. Achieving them breaks down into a basic two-step process; lose belly fat and tone the underlying muscle. The muscles are there, but often hidden beneath extra fat covering the area. Because of this, it is necessary to address both nutrition and exercises targeted for...

Exercising When Overweight

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We all know that losing weight in a healthy manner requires exercise, and lots of it. But for many of us, our journey to slimmer selves begins at a weight that makes vigorous exercise difficult and going to the gym intimidating. For these reasons, many people who are overweight or obese have a very hard time with incorporating exercise into...

Best Calorie-Burning Exercises

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Exercise helps us to burn calories and lose weight in two different ways. First, it causes the muscles of the body to do more work, which consumes energy. Second, it enlarges our muscle tissue, thus raising our metabolic rate (the amount of calories we burn while resting). This is because muscle is more metabolically active than body fat. So being...

20 Reasons to Exercise

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There are more reasons to exercise than to just lose weight. Getting regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and will keep your body strong for years to come. Even if you start out slowly at first, just by walking around the block, by just getting up and moving you are doing your body a world of...

Target Heart Rate

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Do you know your target heart rate and how knowing it can help you? During periods of increased heart rate such as when you exercise it is important to monitor your heart to prevent it from over working, yet work it hard enough to stay in shape. If your heart rate is too high during exercise you will quickly tire...

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