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Children's Health

Children's Health topics include physical, mental and social well-being of children. Most parents know the basics of keeping their children healthy, like offering them healthy foods, making sure they get enough sleep and exercise and insuring their safety. Another important part of Children's Health is to get your children regular checkups with their health care provider. These visits are a chance to check your child's development and they are also a good time to catch or prevent children's health problems.

The below Children's Health articles include, and are not limited to, the following topics: Children and Teen Weight Loss Diets, Nutrition for Children and Teens, Allergies and Asthma, Childhood Diseases (e.g., appendicitis, chicken pox, croup, epilepsy, measles, whooping cough), Emotional Behavior Disorders (e.g., Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, depression), Bedwetting, Childhood Vaccinations and Sun Protection.

Children's Health Articles

Obesity in Kids is Bigger Than Ever

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Obesity in kids has been reaching record levels as physical inactivity soars.  As a result, medical experts are warning that today’s children will experience even poorer health effects as global temperatures rise than they would if they were maintaining healthier body weights.  Obesity in Kids Could Increase the Impact They Feel from a Warming World Dr. Shawnda Morrison recently...

Childhood Obesity Rates are Rising

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Teaching children healthy lifestyle habits has always been a priority for parents, but the current rise in childhood obesity rates is serving as a fierce reminder of how important those actions truly are. Childhood Obesity Rates are Climbing Fast Even as community-based and national school strategies for promoting healthy behaviors have been implemented to teach kids healthy lifestyle habits...

Keeping Up Kids' Health in the Pandemic While Social Distancing

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The pandemic is having several forms of impact on kids’ health and not all of them have anything to do with the COVID-19 infection.  There are some growing concerns about additional risks to children who have had the virus (regardless of whether or not they showed any symptoms when they were infected) as a small percentage are experiencing a new...

How to Teach Kids Healthy Lifestyle Habits

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Knowing how to teach kids healthy lifestyle habits can seem easier said than done.  That said, with just a few tips, it can become much easier than you might expect. Moreover, helping your children to learn how to live healthy lives is extremely worthwhile. When you teach kids healthy lifestyle habits, you arm them against many preventable types of illness...

Kids and Teens at the HIghest Flu Risk

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This year, the highest flu risk appears to be aimed directly at children and young adults. Kids and teens have seen the highest number of cases, according to infectious disease experts. That said, the flu season is continuing to rage forward and the end is not yet for another several weeks. This year’s flu season has been quite different from...

kids and candy

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Sugar has suddenly found itself in quite the unpleasant spot in the nutrition world. For many years, we were all pointing the finger at fat and were trying to cut that from our own diets as well as that of our children, our attention has now been turned to sugar. As it turns out, a certain amount of some fats...

Are Children's Reduced Recess Times Hurting Their Development?

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Break time is on the decline for students across the country as schools decide to decrease or eliminate the traditional mid-morning and/or -afternoon play time. The goal is to ensure that kids spend more time in the classroom, but what impact is children’s reduced recess really having on their academic achievement and overall wellbeing?   At a time in which...

Keep Kids Active this Summer with these Family Games

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When the weather is hot and your children are home from school, it’s easy to want to sit inside where it’s air conditioned. If you find this happening though, give yourself a swift reminder of how important it is to keep kids active this summer.   Just because your kids aren’t in school it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be out...

 What to Do When Your Kids Won't Exercise

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Part of your duties as a good parent is making certain that your kids get enough exercise. Not only will you be setting them on a path towards loving physical activity as adults, but you'll also be teaching them the importance of daily activity in order to stay healthy and in shape.   Kids who don't exercise are more prone...

Should Kids Have Weight Loss Surgery?

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Unfortunately, 1 in every 6 children in the US is obese. A child who is obese is likely to become severely obese or overweight as an adult. Children who are obese are likely to suffer from a number of health concerns in addition to body image problems, depression, low self-esteem, poor grades and trouble coping up with school. As these...

Top Ways to Prevent Childhood Obesity

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When it comes to helping to prevent childhood obesity one of the main things that a child can be taught is balance. Teaching a son or daughter the importance of appropriate portion size and about the calories contained in both food and drinks while keeping up physical activity can play a vital role not only in keeping him or her...

Is Gastric Bypass for Teens Safe?

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Obesity is a difficult disease to overcome and coping with it can become even tougher when it occurs in adolescence.  When diets don’t seem to be working, you may wonder if gastric bypass for teens is a safe option to try.  After all, this isn’t a procedure that should be taken lightly.  It is a serious surgery that comes with...

Does Early Antibiotic Use Affect Child Development and Health?

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Antibiotics are given out all of the time when you go to the doctor’s office. They are given out when you have an upset stomach, when you are sick, when you are in a bit of pain, and for so much else. The medication industry has filled the market with antibiotics for almost everything, and even children are becoming exposed...

Effects of Sleep Deprivation in Children

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The effects of sleep deprivation are serious, and quite frankly they are very off-putting to anyone who has ever experienced them. However, for children that seemingly minor issue may be cause for a bit more alarm. Our kids have growing minds and bodies, and as such they need proper amounts of rest. Without it, they could suffer from life-altering ailments,...

Foods That Reduce Cancer Risk in Children

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One of a loving parents’ worst nightmares is when their child gets seriously ill. Unfortunately, millions of people all over the world have to deal with this tragedy anyway, despite the precautions that they take. What’s interesting is how a person’s everyday diet is now being linked to cancer reduction and production. In fact, nutritionists have actually highlighted some specific...

Breastfeed to Prepare Your Baby for Solid Foods

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As a new mother, it is incredibly important that you carefully choose your baby’s diet with knowledge and due diligence. Feeding your baby with synthetic formulas is always an option, but when you breastfeed, you offer your young angel the privilege of much more than you might realize. Not only do breastfed babies generally have higher IQs and better immune...

How Physical Contact Affects a Baby's Development

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When you are a new parent, you hear a lot of conflicting information as to what it takes to care for your baby, but understanding just how physical contact affects a baby’s development is crucial. This is one of those things that you don’t necessarily consider until you have spent time with your baby and seen it firsthand. You may...

How Is the Enterovirus Affecting Children?

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It seems that every year there is an illness that scares parents and kids alike, and this year we wonder about the enterovirus affecting children all over the world. As with any other illness, parents are on high alert because it is new to them and it’s in the media on a daily basis. Though this is a virus that...

The Best Activities for Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, or Depression

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As a loving, caring, and attentive parent, you most likely understand the importance of keeping your children as happy and healthy as possible, all while having them challenged as they grow. Often, though, finding the best activities for kids with ADHD, anxiety, or depression can be a little difficult. Children who suffer from such behavioral or mental ailments are especially...

Top Reasons Why School-Age Children Have Trouble Sleeping

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We would all like to put our little ones to bed on a school night and find it an easy task. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t—but why? Why is it that school-age children have trouble sleeping so often? After all, they play around and learn intensely, seemingly at the speed of light, and they do so all day...

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