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Weight Loss Center has a growing library of weight loss, health, and diet-related articles to help our visitors meet their weight loss goals, manage their weight and live healthy lives. We hope that you find our Health Articles informative and helpful.

General Health Articles

Zika Virus

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It is quite likely that you haven’t heard about the Zika virus. In fact, a majority of the global population was unaware of this disease, which is now apparently spreading around the globe. The virus had been first identified nearly 70 years ago in Africa, but there hasn’t been a major outbreak since. Over the past few months, the virus...

Varicose Veins Causes

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Varicose veins constitute a condition that is caused by swollen veins particularly those located in the legs. The function of veins is to transport blood from other parts of the body to the heart and when the veins are damaged, the flow of blood is affected. When the veins are enlarged, abnormally thick and twisted, they are referred to as...

Thyroid Disorder Keeping You Fat

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Did you know that your Thyroid causes weight gain when it is out of whack? A thyroid disorder can really sabotage your life. The disorder is hypothyroidism and those who suffer from it simply call it “hypo”. It not only slows your metabolism down to nothing but it makes you so tired that you have to struggle through some days...

ZIESTA Reviews

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ZIESTA is a nonprescription sleep aid. This dietary supplement from Intechra Health can support your efforts to improve the quality of your sleep. A premium product, this natural sleep supplement can provide a number of benefits to those seeking more restful nights and who want to wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. The Benefits of a Natural Sleep Supplement ...

What is Monkeypox and Symptoms

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With the recent outbreaks of the disease, it’s normal to ask the question: what is monkeypox? The following information is meant to provide you with a brief overall understanding of this virus.  What is Monkeypox? The short answer to what is monkeypox is that it is a virus that is infectious among humans.  That said, as is the case...

Vision Health Care and Dementia

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Focusing on vision health care in our everyday routines is among the best ways to ensure we will be able to see clearly throughout our lives. While there are many factors – such as genetics – that are outside our control, there are several we can regularly practice to protect our sight. Interestingly, according to a recent study, these practices...

Mounjaro tirzepatide

User Rating: 5 / 5

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Earlier this month, the FDA approved a new drug from Eli Lilly, which is intended for type 2 diabetes treatment, but that is also viewed as having considerable potential as an obesity treatment.  What is Mounjaro? Mounjaro is Eli Lilly’s brand name for the drug called tirzepatide.  It is a drug that is administered as an injection once per...

Vitamin A Deficiency and Vision

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Vitamin A deficiency is an issue many of us of us don’t tend to consider. That said, this nutrient – an antioxidant – is critical to vision, cell division, growth, immunity and reproduction.  Moreover, when you aren’t quite getting enough of it from your diet, there are some symptoms that you might start to spot, even if they are incredibly...

Crohn's Disease

User Rating: 3 / 5

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Crohn's disease (also called ileitis or enteritis) is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, although it typically occurs in the lower part of the small intestine (ileum). The symptoms of Crohn's disease fluctuate in severity and, not unlike irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, these symptoms include abdominal pain, commonly in the...

Hydration to Lower Heart Failure Risk

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Taking steps to lower heart failure risk is an important practice, particularly if you are already facing certain predispositions.  These choices can quite literally be life-or-death.  Therefore, when new research reveals that something as simple, affordable and straightforward as keeping hydrated can make a meaningful difference to controlling the impact of those factors, it’s worth paying attention! Drinking Enough...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

User Rating: 5 / 5

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Pretty much all of us at one time or another has experienced the unpleasantness of heartburn. It affects about 20% of the global population all the time and usually occurs after eating. Heartburn and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) There is a long tube that runs from the back of the throat down to an opening in the stomach and...

Lifestyle and Full Night of Sleep

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When you can’t get a full night of sleep, it can feel like you’re the only one in the world suffering that way. However, you are far from alone. In fact, it’s currently estimated that one in three people in the United States struggles to be able to fall asleep or remain sleeping.  What Research Says About Getting a...

What is Water Weight

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What is water weight? Have you ever asked the question? People talk about it an awful lot, but how many of us actually know what it is?  It can play a role in how much you weigh and how your clothes fit.  It can be something that happens for any of a spectrum of reasons, including some of your personal...

Exercise to Sleep Better

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We’d all love to be able to sleep better. After all, the more we get the rest we require, the easier it is to feel great and get things done during the daytime.  We’re happier overall, more alert, we eat better, and it’s simpler to control our weight.  That said, so many of us still feel eluded by the rest...

Body Temperature Considered a Cause of Obesity

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According to modern science, obesity is a serious weight issue that affects millions of people and is caused by a number of genetic and environmental factors. It turns out that researchers are pinpointing another cause of obesity which might leave some people with cold feet. Body temperature is now being linked to folks developing obesity, even in those who practice...

Reducing Salary Has a Bigger Mental Health Impact than Unemployment

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Recent research has found that there is a bigger mental health impact on Americans when their salary is reduced than there is when they face unemployment. This is an important measure at the moment as the country continues to face the pandemic crisis, mental health faces bigger challenges than ever and employers need to make important decisions regarding the futures...

Should You Put Your Diet on Hold to Help Prevent COVID-19?

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Have you been wondering about what your efforts to lose weight have been doing to your goal to prevent COVID-19 from spreading? If you are, you’re not alone. Moreover, you’re not crazy for being curious about the impact of dieting on your immune system.  After all, many things we do have an impact on our immune system health.  This means...

New Year's Resolutions to Improve Your Health in 2020

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2020 is well underway, so it may seem as though it’s far too late to set New Year’s resolutions to improve your health.  In fact, most people who resolved something for themselves this year have already started to let go of their promises to themselves.  It’s the situation every year and it will likely continue to be this way in...

Will Odd Health Trends Continue?

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As another year gets started, it’s time to start preparing ourselves for the odd health trends that will be headed our way. What will 2019 have in store? It’s too early to tell for sure, but there have been a number of significant guesses made based on the directions that things are already taking. Consider These Odd Health Trends Already...

Get a Healthy Body at a Desk Job

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A desk job is known as one of the worst lifestyles if you want to get a healthy body. Still, this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to do what needs to be done to take care of yourself. It just means that you’ll need some tips and tricks to work around the fact that you’re expected to be sitting at...

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