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Reproductive Health

Reproductive health is a topic that includes reproductive health information for men and women. Catagories within this topic include, family planning, contraception, and neonatal health. Topics regarding pregnancy issues can be located in Weight Loss Center's Pregancy Health section. 

Reproductive Health also includes issues associated with sex and sexual activity. These issues include information about HIV/AIDS, breast and pelvic exams, infection prevention and sexually transmitted diseases (STD's). 

Reproductive Health Articles

5 Nutrients That Increase Fertility in Women

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When you are trying to conceive, you would do almost anything to improve your chances of success. However, most people don’t consider the 5 nutrients that increase fertility in women because they are concentrated on the sexual aspect and on ovulation. What we tend to forget is that the food we eat can hamper or help our ability to conceive. ...

Surprising Things That Make it Harder to Conceive

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Once we get pregnant, we are told how to eat and what to avoid for a healthy pregnancy. However, there is a whole lot of factors to consider prior to getting pregnant for both the male and female otherwise it will be harder to conceive. It is best to plan a pregnancy for more success and to ensure you are...

Birth Control Pills

User Rating: 4 / 5

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The most widely used, safe and effective form of birth control products are birth control pills or oral contraceptives. Known as the “Pill”, ongoing research of this form of birth control has evolved over the last forty years to become what they are today. Nowadays the Pill, regardless of the brand, is 99% effective in preventing pregnancies, with few side...

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