Special K Challenge Diet
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The Special K Challenge is a friendly dare to lose one inch off your waist or six pounds in two weeks by following an easy 3-step plan to attaining and maintaining a healthy body weight. It works by reducing the level of caloric intake by using Post Brand low calorie cereals. This theory is supported by at least one study which was undertaken at the respected Purdue University in Indiana.
Step 1 is to eat a serving of Kellogg's® Special K®, Special K® Red Berries, Special K® Vanilla Almond, Special K® Fruit & Yogurt or Special K® Low Carb Lifestyle Protein Plus cereal with 2/3 cup skim milk and fruit for two meals a day. At the third meal you would eat as you normally do. Snacks are allowed up to 3 times a day but must be limited to fruit, vegetables or a single Special K protein snack bar. There are no restrictions on beverages.
Step 2 is all about using portion control restraints on the rest of your meals. Special K’s web-site does provide the nutritional charts and educational know how to assist in doing this.
Step 3 is exercise. The Special K Challenge diet strongly endorses walking as the preferred form of exercise, with a recommended goal of up to 30 minutes a day to pump up your heart and tone muscles. This diet can be undertaken very affordably.