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Diet and Nutrition Articles

Weight Loss Center has a growing library of weight loss, health, and diet-related articles to help our visitors meet their weight loss goals, manage their weight and live healthy lives. We hope that you find our Diet & Nutrition Articles informative and helpful.

Lose Weight and Boost Brain Power With These 5 Foods

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The right foods will nourish your body and give you the energy that you need to power through your day, but did you know that there are certain foods that make you feel amazing both inside and out? Focus on getting more of these foods into your diet so that you can note a difference in the way you look...

Lose Weight and Boost Brain Power With These 5 Foods

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Eating a diet that’s rich in nutritious, whole food ingredients is the best way to give your body exactly what it needs to thrive, and it’s also a way to rely less upon supplements to get the nutrition you need. But there are certain foods, such as the five that are listed below, that will help you lose weight and...

The Best Vitamin Shakes for Athletes

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There is no doubt that vitamins are among the most vital nutrients for maintaining your health and wellness. Not only do vitamins play a crucial role in helping you stay healthy and fit but you also need these nutrients to gain muscle and enhance your strength, stamina, and endurance. This is why it is a must for athletes to up...

Diet Plans That Work Best with Phentramin-D

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When you turn to a diet pill you more than likely don’t think that you’ll have to put in actual hard work. Most people have a tendency to believe that if they just take the diet pill that it will help them shed the weight easily and without much effort at all—but that’s simply not the case. The diet pill...

The Biggest Nutrition Myths of All Time

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There are a lot of nutrition myths that are out there. People will try almost anything in order to lose the weight that they are looking to and sometimes these nutrition myths are going to get in the way of them actually losing some of the weight that they would like. Here are some of the worst of these myths...

Top Food Pairs for Optimal Nutrition

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If you consume specific superfoods together, it packs a bigger punch and boosts nutritional value. If you are a culinary expert, you can concoct an endless pairings of food in the kitchen, but you can also inadvertently throw in ingredients that don’t go together and diminish the net nutritional effect. Some food pairs not only complement each other but also...

The Most Common Causes of Binge Eating

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When it comes to your health, you want to do everything that you can to keep it in line. Unfortunately, some people find that the harder they try to control the amount they eat, the more likely it is that they are going to binge eat and take in more calories than they would have when just eating a regular...

Is Skipping Meals Healthy or Dangerous

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The idea of skipping meals is one that has been causing a lot of controversy for many years. Some people think that it is a good idea to skip out on a meal here and there because they think that it helps save some of the calories that they need in order to lose more weight. But is it really...

The Dangers of Crash Diets

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When you want to lose weight there’s a good chance that you want to start the process right away. Though we may very well recognize that turning to a healthy foundation is the best way to lose weight, it’s tempting to turn to one of the many diets out there that promote quick results with very little effort. Though a...

Top 5 Diets That Work Fast

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There are so many diets out there that it can almost make your head spin. Just when you thought you had seen it all, you will find that another diet is quickly introduced on the scene. Though they all promise that you can lose weight by following their strict regimen, they definitely don’t all work the same. You are going...

The Best Diet Foods for Those Taking Phentramin-D

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Phentramin-D is a weight loss drug that stimulates the fat burning process. It helps you cut flab and build muscles. It is a massively popular weight loss drug and its advantages are numerous.   When coupled with exercise and a healthy diet, this drug can improve metabolism, enhance energy and suppress appetite, working in every possible way to help you...

Why Carbs Are the Enemy

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It may seem that one week you’re hearing that a certain food is good for you, and the very next you hear that it’s off limits. Does it feel a bit confusing trying to figure out how to eat right? If you share this sentiment, then you are not alone! Many of us have gone through a bunch of different...

How Diet Affects Mood in Children

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You may recognize what happens to your child if they have too much sugar, and it’s not always a pretty thing. Many of us have parents have witnessed that “sugar high” that comes about when our child enjoys too many treats, but we don’t think about that in the long term. This is a normal part of childhood and a...

Get Better Sleep with These Nutrition Tips

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It’s often neglected in this modern age but there isn’t any simpler health advice than to “get better sleep”. Sleep crucially affects the body as it is associated with homeostasis and circadian rhythm. These processes of the body have a huge impact on your hormonal system. It also significantly affects neurotransmitters in the body through which your brain performs day-to-day...

Top Ways to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

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These days it seems as though more people are yo-yo dieting than those that are actually succeeding at something permanent. Losing a significant amount of weight just to gain it all back months later is not only frustrating but it can also do some serious damage to your health. It is not quite clear all the dangers of yo-yo dieting,...

The Latest Nutritional Guidelines for Cholesterol

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For the longest time, people all over the world have thought that they knew all about the nutritional guidelines for cholesterol. We have all been told for decades that cholesterol in our foods can cause significant damage to our bodies, but a new report is stating otherwise. So, while millions of people continue on with their day-to-day lives as though...

Why Should Americans Drink More Coffee?

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Millions of Americans enjoy a hot cup of joe as part of their morning routine, but recent studies are now showing how those die-hard java fans should actually drink more coffee than they already are. A mug full of delicious coffee can give you the energy you need to make it through the day, but modern research is showing how...

Top Nutrition Trends to Look for in 2015

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It seems that every day we turn on the news, there is some conflicting trend about what we should eat. It can get downright confusing about what makes up the right foods, the wrong foods, what diet you should be following, or what will help you to get healthier. Just as you think that you’re doing all the right things,...

The Many Problems with Commercial Baby Foods

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As a parent you want to give your baby the very best that you can. You think through every decision of their little life, and you want to do the best that you can to nurture them. A big part of this process when you are raising a baby is to fulfill their feeding needs in the healthiest way possible....

Snack on Almonds to Reduce Belly Fat

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It may sound like an impossible feat but there is some great truth to the fact that snacking on almonds can very likely help to reduce belly fat. You may wonder how this can be true, particularly since nuts like almonds happen to be full of fat. Yes nuts like almonds contain fat, but you must remember that it is...

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