Why I’m Flying my Family South for a Luxury Vacation in Mexico

I’m going on a luxury vacation in Mexico! If your family is anything like mine, as soon as the temperature drops, all you can think about is springtime when things will start warming up again. I’m not sure if my own family is more sensitive to the cold than the average American, but my husband and I, as well as our two little ones all seem to suffer from it in the same way. After a while, it makes us all feel a little bit crazy.

A Dream Luxury Vacation to Mexico

As much as I love the comforts of home, my husband and I feel that flying the whole family south to Mexico for a luxury vacation is just what we need to get our sanity back. We didn’t make the decision on a whim. Last year, we really struggled with the continual cold weather, the short days and long nights. Maybe we get a bit of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Whatever the case, we don’t want a repeat of the winter blues we suffered from last winter, so we decided to take action this year.

Dreams of Relaxing on the Beach

Then again, deciding to stay in a luxury beach villa with a full view of the ocean in Mexico didn’t take any arm twisting for me to agree! It was only slightly more expensive than our family vacations would usually be, but it included absolutely everything we need, so I’m pretty sure it will all balance off in the end. We’re staying at Villa Estrella and decided to go for the meal plans and the whole deal. That means we’re going to have traditional, healthy Mexican cuisine cooked for us by our very own personal chef. There’s something I’m eager to try for the first time.

All Enjoyment, No Cooking

Between the sun we plan to enjoy for every minute we’re there, and the fact that I don’t have to cook a single bite to eat if I don’t want to, I think this is just what the doctor ordered to get back to feeling like ourselves again.

Top Reason I Chose This Particular Luxury Vacation in Mexico

I checked into this place quite a bit and there were three main checkboxes it had to tick before I was willing to book the trip and sign on the dotted line:

  • The food will be fresh, healthy and tasty. I’ve been working far too hard to live a healthy lifestyle and be a great example for my kids to throw it all away with junk food throughout my whole trip. I’ve been reassured by both the owners and reviews from other people who have stayed there that it’ll be just what I’m hoping for.
  • There are lots of family friendly ways to stay active. Sure, I want to lie on the beach and relax for a while, but I don’t want to spend the whole trip that way. I want to be active, see stuff and do stuff. I want my kids to be excited and try new things and to play outside to enjoy the warm weather. It’s why we’re going in the first place!
  • The location will be safe. I’ve heard all the same news reports as everyone else about traveling to Mexico. It turns out that the safety issues are regional, not everywhere. Yes, it’s still a good idea to pay attention to the usual efforts to stay safe, but overall, this whole area is supposed to be very safe, and Villa Estrella is located in a gated community, to keep it even safer.

I couldn’t be more excited about going and can’t wait to see the kids playing on the beach instead of in the snow!

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