The Best Time to Start a Diet

How many times have you looked in the mirror and promised yourself that you are going to start your diet on Monday, after Thanksgiving, when New Years Day has arrived, or even after you have had a few weeks to enjoy your favorite foods? This is something that dieters do all of the time and can be a huge problem. While having a start date is the only way to get started, that day should be the very second you decide you want to lose weight.

Read More The Best Time to Start a Diet

Low Calorie Breakfast Ideas

There are a limitless number of low calorie breakfast ideas you can try if you want to eat in the morning but not blow your diet. Eating even a small breakfast in the morning will improve your metabolism and curb your hunger so that when lunch arrives you are not as likely to overeat.

Read More Low Calorie Breakfast Ideas

Improving Weight Loss Motivation

People talk about willpower, but there really is no such thing – at least not in the way you think. You can not diet on willpower alone. You have to have some tricks up your sleeve for improving and maintaining your weight loss motivation.

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Gaining Weight when Dieting

Gaining weight when dieting is one of the most frustrating and defeating things that happens. The only consolation is that it is not just happening to you or me, it happens to every person who has ever tried to lose weight.

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Weight Loss Obsession

Am I obsessed with weight loss? Right now, maybe yes. My husband calls it weight loss obsession, but I call it weight loss commitment and both of us are right. Sometimes you need to submerge yourself into your weight loss program so that you can just manage to stay on track.

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Weight Loss Commitment

Losing weight is never easy, but you have the best chance at success when you set realistic goals and then follow through with your weight loss commitment as best you can.

Read More Weight Loss Commitment

Ways to Cut 100 Calories Daily

There are many ways to cut 100 calories daily from your diet. By cutting only 100 calories each day, in a year you will have helped yourself lose over 10 pounds of body fat.

Read More Ways to Cut 100 Calories Daily

Eat More, Crave More

If you are also someone who is overweight, then likely you too have experienced the Eat More, Crave More vicious cycle and understanding why this happens may help to overcome it. To begin with, when you allow yourself to consume many calories in one sitting your blood sugar and insulin levels will spike up quite drastically and then fall rapidly.

Read More Eat More, Crave More

Fat Burning Exercises

Aerobic exercises are excellent for burning calories in your body during and for a few hours after the activity, but anaerobic exercises are what increase your body’s ability to burn fat 24 hours a day. Anaerobic exercises focus on toning and building muscle.

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Healthy Weight Loss

With a deeper appreciation for losing weight in a healthy and controlled way I can tell you this – anyone can starve themselves, run around the block a few times and then lose weight. However, the key is not in the losing of the weight, but in the healthy loss of weight—weight that is gradually lost and that isn’t gained back. This is where healthy weight loss comes in.

Read More Healthy Weight Loss