Key to Long Term Weight Loss Success

Long Term Weight Loss Success

As most of us know, losing weight is not only a physical challenge, but a mental one. Mentally, the primary key to long term weight loss success is realizing that losing weight isn’t just about reaching your goal weight, it’s about making healthy lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime.

Read More Key to Long Term Weight Loss Success

Big Fat Excuses

Making “Big Fat Excuses” is something that all of us who have wanted to lose weight have made at some point. In fact, over the almost 20 years that I have been either overweight or obese I have probably made a hundred different excuses for why I couldn’t start a diet, or stick to a diet, or get more exercise, or stop eating junk food, and so on. What I hope everyone who reads this post will do today is take a moment to reflect on what excuses they may have been making that are preventing them from reaching their weight loss goals.

Read More Big Fat Excuses

Weight Loss Done Cheap

Although you may want to join that weight loss program that has you spending hundreds of dollars on their products and “support”, or you may want to join the local fitness center with the monthly fees, these things are not critical to your weight loss success.Weight loss done cheap is as effective and successful as weight loss that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. If losing weight is something you really want to do, don’t let money stand in your way.

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Weight Loss Obsession

Am I obsessed with weight loss? Right now, maybe yes. My husband calls it weight loss obsession, but I call it weight loss commitment and both of us are right. Sometimes you need to submerge yourself into your weight loss program so that you can just manage to stay on track.

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Tips to Avoid Overeating

It’s a fact that all dieters must know – if you overeat, you are going to gain weight. In fact, overeating is one of the reasons why so many of us are now looking to drop some pounds. There are some tips that can help you avoid overeating. Some will work for you and others will not. Dieters should experiment to see what works best for them and then they should stick with it.

Read More Tips to Avoid Overeating