Best Anti-Aging Diet Foods

Most of us know that a healthy and balanced diet plays a big part in weight loss, but one of the other big benefits of a healthier diet is its anti-aging effects on your body. Try adding these best anti-aging diet foods to your diet – they will not only help you shed pounds, but they will make you feel and look younger.

Read More Best Anti-Aging Diet Foods

Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings

In this candyland world that we live in, some of us are going to need a lot more help in fighting sugar cravings when dieting. So today I would like to suggest some ways to fight sugar cravings that are natural and healthy.

Read More Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings

Chocolate Increases Weight Loss

If you are someone who loves chocolate and has had to give it up for your diet, then deprive yourself no further. Not only are some types of chocolate healthy, but they may also help to increase weight loss, which is a win-win for all of us dieting chocolate lovers.

Read More Chocolate Increases Weight Loss

Weight Loss Done Cheap

Although you may want to join that weight loss program that has you spending hundreds of dollars on their products and “support”, or you may want to join the local fitness center with the monthly fees, these things are not critical to your weight loss success.Weight loss done cheap is as effective and successful as weight loss that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. If losing weight is something you really want to do, don’t let money stand in your way.

Read More Weight Loss Done Cheap

Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss

While electric muscle stimulation (EMS) sounds like something you see only in movies, it is a real thing used in the world of sports and medicine. However, it may not be as useful as real exercise to the average athlete or dieter.

Read More Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss

How Protein Curbs Hunger

One of the best things about protein, other than it being essential for good health and rebuilding muscle tissue, is that protein curbs hunger. If you have ever been on the Atkins Diet or the South Beach Diet, you may already know this.

Read More How Protein Curbs Hunger

Losing Weight on a Raw Food Diet

Losing weight on a raw food diet is very likely as long as you control portion size and continue to watch calorie consumption. Although raw foods have nutritional benefits over processed foods, this does not mean that they are low in calories.

Read More Losing Weight on a Raw Food Diet

What Causes a Slow Metabolism

On a number of occasions I have met people who claim they cannot lose weight, not because of a lack of effort or poor dieting, but because they have a slow metabolism. Although the personal trainers and dietitians from ‘The Biggest Loser’ may not take this as a valid excuse for not losing weight, it is true that some people’s metabolism is slower than others.

Read More What Causes a Slow Metabolism

Best Online Diet Trackers

Today, whether keeping track of calories or miles walked, there are great online trackers that take most of the work out of the endeavor for you while keeping the most accurate count you can get. Take advantage of some of these useful and sometimes free trackers to make your life more simple.

Read More Best Online Diet Trackers

New Prescription Diet Pill – Vigabatrin Use For Weight Loss

Vigabatrin, originally produced as a prescritpion drug to help those suffering from addiction problems, has shown in clinical studies to also be an effective prescription medication for the treatment of obesity.

Read More New Prescription Diet Pill – Vigabatrin Use For Weight Loss