Weight Loss Powers of Low-Energy-Dense Foods

Low-energy-dense foods is just another way of describing foods that provide a lot of energy or can be eaten in larger quantities without having too many calories. Although at first glance it sounds like a fad diet, there is true weight loss powers in eating larger quantities of these types of food.

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Weight Loss Diet Fights Gastric Cancer

Gastric Cancer Diet

What you need to realize is that the healthy habits you have today are going to help you lower the risk of cancer being a part of your life in the future. Here are some ways your weight loss diet can help to reduce your risk of cancers of all kinds, including gastric cancer.

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Spring Diet Helps Weight Loss

Spring Diet Helps Weight Loss

Instead of fearing the day when you have to reveal your winter body, you can start a spring diet to help weight loss that includes new and fresh groups of foods. With so many fresh foods available in the springtime it’s not difficult to lose weight, trim calories, and improve your overall health and energy.

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Weight Loss Foods to Have on Hand

Weight Loss Foods

This list of weight loss foods to have on hand wouldn’t be complete without water. Drinking lots of water during the day keeps your body hydrated and your metabolism running efficiently. Water is also an excellent zero-calorie substitute for other beverages, such as coffees and juices that contain empty calories and carbs.

Read More Weight Loss Foods to Have on Hand

Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

The Standard American Diet is one that focuses on food for pleasure and convenience, rather than being a diet that encourages good health. The daily caloric content of this diet is high, generally around 2500 calories for the average adult.

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Anti-Cancer Drug Added to Junk Foods

Health Canada announced today that they are contemplating allowing food companies to add an anti-cancer drug to junk foods. This cancer-fighting drug called asparaginase is an enzyme that is used in patients with leukemia and some other types of cancers.

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How Antioxidants Enhance Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a difficult process. Nevertheless, there are certain things you can include in your weight loss program that can help make the process a little easier and faster, such as providing your body with antioxidants.

Read More How Antioxidants Enhance Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss Diet May Prevent Cancer

Following a healthy weight loss diet does not guarantee you will not at some time develop cancer, however you will be taking steps to minimize this chance. If anything, following a healthy and nutritionally-balanced weight loss diet with regular exercise will help you rid your body of extra weight and improve overall health.

Read More Healthy Weight Loss Diet May Prevent Cancer

Best Anti-Aging Diet Foods

Most of us know that a healthy and balanced diet plays a big part in weight loss, but one of the other big benefits of a healthier diet is its anti-aging effects on your body. Try adding these best anti-aging diet foods to your diet – they will not only help you shed pounds, but they will make you feel and look younger.

Read More Best Anti-Aging Diet Foods

Weight Loss Done Cheap

Although you may want to join that weight loss program that has you spending hundreds of dollars on their products and “support”, or you may want to join the local fitness center with the monthly fees, these things are not critical to your weight loss success.Weight loss done cheap is as effective and successful as weight loss that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars. If losing weight is something you really want to do, don’t let money stand in your way.

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