Weight Loss Powers of Low-Energy-Dense Foods

Low-energy-dense foods is just another way of describing foods that provide a lot of energy or can be eaten in larger quantities without having too many calories. Although at first glance it sounds like a fad diet, there is true weight loss powers in eating larger quantities of these types of food.

Read More Weight Loss Powers of Low-Energy-Dense Foods

Foods That Improve Heart Health

With so much focus on losing weight, it is sometimes easy to overlook the other big health benefits of switching to a healthier diet. One part of your body that will greatly benefit from you eating less fatty foods and more fruits, veggies and whole grains is your heart.

Read More Foods That Improve Heart Health

Daily Meal Planning

I think the biggest difference between this weight loss effort and my other ones is that I am diligently tracking how many calories I eat every day. Planning my daily meals has become more like a science fair project, with adding up calories and trying to balance proteins and carbohydrates.

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Make A Plan for Weight Loss

I keep trying to go right back into the routine of dieting and exercising, but I just keep failing. I was at a loss about how to break this pattern, but I had to do something so last night I decided the best thing I can do is MAKE A PLAN FOR WEIGHT LOSS!!!

Read More Make A Plan for Weight Loss