Make A Plan for Weight Loss

Well, I didn’t really see it coming… the day I abandoned my diet and went completely into turtle mode about my weight, but the day came about two months ago and I have been struggling to get back on the wagon ever since. I keep trying to go right back into the routine of dieting and exercising, but I just keep failing. I was at a loss about how to break this pattern, but I had to do something so last night I decided the best thing I can do is MAKE A PLAN FOR WEIGHT LOSS!!!

Last night I sat down and wrote out exactly what I had to do. This included my low-cal, high fruit and vegetable meal plan for the next two weeks and a detailed grocery list of exactly what I need to buy. The second thing I wrote out was a time table of my daily schedule that included one hour of exercise five days a week. I made two copies of this schedule – one for me and one to post on the refrigerator so that my family knows what I have to do and can support me in that.

The third, and probably most important phase of making my weight loss plan was setting a weight loss goal for myself, which is 30 pounds in three months, and then visualizing how I will look and feel at the end of three months. I wrote down all the things that I visualized:

  • I have more energy and feel healthier
  • I feel productive with my life
  • I feel much lighter and my clothes fit beautifully
  • My knees don’t hurt when I walk up stairs
  • My family is proud of me
  • I have control over my food cravings

Today when I woke up I took a number of minutes visualizing myself 30 pounds thinner and experiencing all the benefits on my list. I feel so inspired. So far I’m off on the right foot. A light breakfast at home and a healthy lunch is packed for work. I will go to the gym after work for an hour. This is my plan for weight loss – a new part of my life starts today.

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