Anti-Cancer Drug Added to Junk Foods

Health Canada announced today that they are contemplating allowing food companies to add an anti-cancer drug to junk foods. This cancer-fighting drug called asparaginase is an enzyme that is used in patients with leukemia and some other types of cancers.

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Weight Loss Benefits of Vinegar

Vinegar has a rather strong taste that is difficult to get past and adding it to your daily diet can be challenging. However, it is the reason vinegar has such a potent flavor that also gives it some unique weight loss benefits.

Read More Weight Loss Benefits of Vinegar

Health Problems Associated with Being Overweight

There is a number of serious health problems associated with being overweight and obese. Losing weight to reduce your chances of developing one or more of these diseases in your lifetime, combined with the fact that you will have more energy and feel healthier, is all you should need to get motivated to make some changes.

Read More Health Problems Associated with Being Overweight

Cinnamon Prevents Insulin Resistance

Cinnamon is more than just a spice that can be added to food or drinks to give them an extra tasty flavor. One of its most important benefits from a weight loss and health perspective is that it cinnamon prevents insulin resistance.

Read More Cinnamon Prevents Insulin Resistance

Honey Sweetens a Weight Loss Diet

Most dieters are so concentrated on limiting calories that they are inclined to avoid any type of sweetener that isn’t zero calories. Thus, honey is often left sitting in the shelf while artificial sweeteners get all the use, even though some pose potential health risks. Honey, however, can be a perfect addition as a sweetener to your weight loss diet.

Read More Honey Sweetens a Weight Loss Diet

Spicing Up Weight Loss

If you’re already eating a healthy, nutritious diet and you’re already exercising regularly, then you’ll be on the right track. By adding the benefits of the right herbs and spices, you’ll be able to accelerate your weight loss and make things just a bit easier on yourself.

Read More Spicing Up Weight Loss

Top Reasons Why You Cannot Lose Weight

One of the top reasons you can’t lose weight is that you don’t have a weight management plan for when you are finished dieting. You can not simply change the way that you eat, lose weight, and then go back to your old eating and lifestyle choices.

Read More Top Reasons Why You Cannot Lose Weight

Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

There are a few things to understand about fats, carbs, and proteins that will help any dieter. The more a person knows about what they are eating and why they are eating them, the more powerful their diet is going to be for them.

Read More Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

The Risks Obesity Poses To Pregnancy

There are some specific problems that can come about for an obese mom-to-be of which she needs to pay special attention. Dads should also know about these so they too can look for signs of a potential problem.

Read More The Risks Obesity Poses To Pregnancy

Leptin and Weight loss: How the Fat Hormone Affects Hunger and Metabolism

Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells and found in the blood plasma. One area of growing interest lately has been in determining the exact role that the hormone leptin plays in regulating metabolism and hunger.

Read More Leptin and Weight loss: How the Fat Hormone Affects Hunger and Metabolism