Low-Fat vs. Low-Carb – Which Diet is More Effective?

Many people who are new to dieting wonder which type of diet is more effective for losing weight – low-fat or low-carb. With so many types of diet out there promoting themselves as the best ones for weight loss, answering this question has been tricky.

Read More Low-Fat vs. Low-Carb – Which Diet is More Effective?

High Protein Diets May Harm Kidneys

High protein diets may harm your kidneys if not done properly. Processing large quantities of protein taxes the kidneys, leaving them at risk of developing one or several of various kidney problems.

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Leptin and Weight loss: How the Fat Hormone Affects Hunger and Metabolism

Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells and found in the blood plasma. One area of growing interest lately has been in determining the exact role that the hormone leptin plays in regulating metabolism and hunger.

Read More Leptin and Weight loss: How the Fat Hormone Affects Hunger and Metabolism

Why You Need Carbohydrates

I think many people who are dieting are concerned about eating carbohydrates. Although it is important to limit your consumption of these foods, eating some carbohydrates can actually help you burn more energy while you exercise. So to clear up some confusion, lets explore why you need carbohydates in your diet.

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What to Eat Before and After Exercise

The foods you eat before and after exercise can help you or hinder you, depending on your goals. This is very important for losing weight or for men trying to build muscle, but it is a good idea for anyone on an exercise program to know what they should and should not be eating when physically active.

Read More What to Eat Before and After Exercise

Eating Carbs Helped Me Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

I have started to include a few whole grains into my diet and the results have been incredible. I have started losing weight again and have so much more energy for exercise than I did before.

Read More Eating Carbs Helped Me Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau