3-A-Day of Dairy Weight Loss Program

The 3-A-Day of Dairy weight loss campaign is a new diet program that was created by way of a partnership between WebMD’s Weight Loss Clinic and the National Dairy Council.

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High Protein Diets May Harm Kidneys

High protein diets may harm your kidneys if not done properly. Processing large quantities of protein taxes the kidneys, leaving them at risk of developing one or several of various kidney problems.

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How Healthy Are Soy Products?

Soy is often considered to be a great source of protein and is available in a variety of forms, such as tofu, soymilk, tacos, burgers, etc. Soy products are enjoyed by those looking for an alternative to certain beverages and foods, such as milk and meat (i.e. lactose intolerant individuals, vegetarians, vegans) and by many people who believe it to be a healthy food that is natural and good for you.

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Health Dangers of Being Underweight

A lot of attention has been focused in dealing with overweight issues but much as this is justified, little attention has been directed to tackling matters pertaining to being underweight. Scientifically speaking, people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is under 20 are considered to be underweight.

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Weight Loss Vitamins In Your Diet

Although it might be surprising to hear that there is such a thing as “weight loss vitamins”, it is true that weight can be controlled and efficiently maintained using vitamins. Most food contains some form of vitamins and it is possible to get vitamin supplements from the pharmacy or a convenience store.

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