What is the National Weight Control Registry?

National Weight Control Registry

A couple of my favorite aspects of the National Weight Control Registry is that it has released a few research findings and does have some excellent success stories. I encourage everyone to at least read through the research findings, which emphasizes the importance of daily physical activity and making diet changes to successfully lose weight and keep it off.

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Is Fat Becoming the New Thin?

We live in a society that holds the slogan “Bigger is Better” close to its heart. Everything from TV’s to meals at restaurants seem to all be growing in size and it is no surprise that so are Americans.

Read More Is Fat Becoming the New Thin?

Health Dangers of Being Underweight

A lot of attention has been focused in dealing with overweight issues but much as this is justified, little attention has been directed to tackling matters pertaining to being underweight. Scientifically speaking, people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is under 20 are considered to be underweight.

Read More Health Dangers of Being Underweight

Weight Loss Commitment

Losing weight is never easy, but you have the best chance at success when you set realistic goals and then follow through with your weight loss commitment as best you can.

Read More Weight Loss Commitment

Health Conditions That Cause Weight Gain

Certain health conditions can not only cause weight gain, but exacerbate efforts of losing weight. Leading the pack of such health conditions are under-active thyroids, otherwise known as hypothyroidism.

Read More Health Conditions That Cause Weight Gain

Eating Organic Foods

Eating organic foods has many benefits, including aiding weight loss and providing your body with optimal nutrients. Various studies by nutrition experts indicate that fresh, organic foods contain more nutrients and antioxidants than foods produced by industrial agriculture.

Read More Eating Organic Foods

Australia becomes the fattest country in the World

Proud Americans have lost their world setting record of the fattest country to their friends down under, the Aussies. By a slim 1% to beat out the Americans, 26% of Australians are obese, that’s more than 1 in 4 people.

Read More Australia becomes the fattest country in the World