Weight Loss with Fat Burners

If you are hoping to experience rapid weight loss with fat burners then your approach to losing weight is already dooming you to failure. It is true that some fat burners can help you to lose more weight, but they are only a temporary weight loss method.

Read More Weight Loss with Fat Burners

How Dehydration Affects Metabolism

Your metabolism will slow if you are even slightly dehydrated, and three fourths of the population is always dehydrated without knowing it. Even if it only slows it down a little bit, this can be a problem when you are trying to lose weight.

Read More How Dehydration Affects Metabolism

Health Conditions That Cause Weight Gain

Certain health conditions can not only cause weight gain, but exacerbate efforts of losing weight. Leading the pack of such health conditions are under-active thyroids, otherwise known as hypothyroidism.

Read More Health Conditions That Cause Weight Gain

Does exercising in the morning burn more calories?

There is no scientific evidence to support the myth that morning exercise increases metabolism and fat loss. There is however some data available showing that working out in the morning is overall more effective for weight loss.

Read More Does exercising in the morning burn more calories?