Health Benefits of Ancient Grains

Some ancient grains are also gluten-free. These include buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth. Eating these types of grains are particularly good for someone who has an allergy to gluten.

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Diet Changes That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Diet Changes Lower Blood Pressure

As you can see, with just a few minor diet changes you can lower your blood pressure naturally. What’s even better is that these diet changes are also ones that will help you to lose weight. In fact,a healthy diet that consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy will go a far way to not only lowering your blood pressure, but also your body weight.

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Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

The Standard American Diet is one that focuses on food for pleasure and convenience, rather than being a diet that encourages good health. The daily caloric content of this diet is high, generally around 2500 calories for the average adult.

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Health Problems Associated with Being Overweight

There is a number of serious health problems associated with being overweight and obese. Losing weight to reduce your chances of developing one or more of these diseases in your lifetime, combined with the fact that you will have more energy and feel healthier, is all you should need to get motivated to make some changes.

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3-A-Day of Dairy Weight Loss Program

The 3-A-Day of Dairy weight loss campaign is a new diet program that was created by way of a partnership between WebMD’s Weight Loss Clinic and the National Dairy Council.

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Weight Loss Foods That Improve Your Mood

Do you want to feel better, happier and more relaxed without turning to that tub of double chocolate fudge ice cream for comfort? Try adding some of these weight loss foods that improve your mood to your daily diet.

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Health Conditions That Cause Weight Gain

Certain health conditions can not only cause weight gain, but exacerbate efforts of losing weight. Leading the pack of such health conditions are under-active thyroids, otherwise known as hypothyroidism.

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Omega-3 Improves Insulin and Weight Loss

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are some of nature’s best work as far as fats go. In addition to their multitude of health benefits, recent research has found that omega-3 fatty acids consumed in the diet may be capable of improving insulin levels, particularly in people with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, and may promote weight loss.

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