Top Weight Loss Breakfast Foods You Should Eat

Looking for some great weight loss breakfast ideas? It may be easier than you think. You’ve likely heard that traditional breakfast cereals aren’t usually a great option because they’re filled with sugar, salt and other unwanted ingredients.

Read More Top Weight Loss Breakfast Foods You Should Eat

Easy Healthy Meals You’ll Actually Like to Make

Easy healthy meals are the key to making sure most of us are able to actually eat nutritious meals on a regular basis. After all, who has time to spend hours cooking every day? For most of us, thirty minutes is asking a lot.

Read More Easy Healthy Meals You’ll Actually Like to Make

Weight Loss Calorie Counter Apps for Your Phone

weight loss calorie counter apps

Weight loss doesn’t have to be complicated with the help of weight loss calorie counter apps for your phone.

You might not realize it but using weight loss calorie counter apps on your phone can be of great help to you. Not only can this help with weight loss, but it can also give you a greater awareness of what you are eating in a day. You learn to be accountable for every single food that you eat and are therefore very aware of what you’re doing right and wrong. By using your phone, you can find some great apps and sites out there to make your calorie counting work much easier.

There are so many great apps and sites out there, that it can be difficult to find which one will work best for your specific needs. Some of the weight loss calories counter apps out there will help you keep track of all of your calories and also track your workouts. An app such as My Fitness Pal is great because it’s comprehensive in this manner and also very easy to use. Using calorie counter apps on your phone ensures that there is never an excuse to forget to log what you ate or the type of activity that you did.

Some Great Calorie Counting Options Out There offers a great calorie counter for your phone through an app. This is also a great website to check in on proper nutrition, health and dieting tips. It’s reputable, so you can be sure that you are using calorie counter apps on your phone that are accurate and therefore helpful. With this particular app you even get a nice snapshot of what your calorie make up looks like throughout each day.

Calorie Counter Pro or Tap &

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Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

The Standard American Diet is one that focuses on food for pleasure and convenience, rather than being a diet that encourages good health. The daily caloric content of this diet is high, generally around 2500 calories for the average adult.

Read More Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

Weight Loss Blogging: The Best Dieting Tips I’ve Learned

Now that I’m calming down from my excitement from this morning’s weigh in I can begin to reflect on what I have learned over the past year of blogging. As I’m searching through my old posts and reading through some of my favorites, I feel that today would be perfect for pointing out the best dieting tips I’ve learned over the past year.

Read More Weight Loss Blogging: The Best Dieting Tips I’ve Learned

Talking to Your Children About Weight Loss

If you are a parent of a child, regardless of whether they are overweight or not, it is a good idea to sit down with them and have a heart-to-heart about how they feel about their body weight. If your child is overweight, or you feel they may be heading in that direction, do not ignore this problem because guaranteed it is something that they are thinking about all the time.

Read More Talking to Your Children About Weight Loss

Tips For Planning Your Weekly Meals

Planning your weekly meals like I do may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you are following your own diet plan then I highly recommend it to you. Here are five essential tips for planning your weekly meals.

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