Improving Weight Loss with Scheduled Meals

Skipping meals simply isn’t the answer to weight loss. It tricks the body into starvation mode which will have the opposite effect of safe weight loss. The key to steady and safe weight loss is a stationary meal routine that the body can rely upon to get the nutrients it needs.

Read More Improving Weight Loss with Scheduled Meals

Common Myths about Metabolism

Can eating spicy foods containing chile pepper really increase metabolism? Find out the answers to this and many more of the common myths about metabolism now.

Read More Common Myths about Metabolism

Why Starvation Diets Fail

Another reason why starvation diets fail is that you are not making the necessary lifestyle changes you need to keep the weight off once it’s gone. Starvation diets, after all, are only a temporary (and unhealthy) method to lose weight – you can’t do it forever.

Read More Why Starvation Diets Fail

Weight Loss Desperation: Using Unhealthy Weight Loss Methods

Losing weight is something that some fight with for most of their lives and they can fail over and over again. When this happens, some people will resort to weight loss methods that are drastic and exceptionally unhealthy. This is never a good thing or a long term fix for weight problems.

Read More Weight Loss Desperation: Using Unhealthy Weight Loss Methods

Health Dangers of Being Underweight

A lot of attention has been focused in dealing with overweight issues but much as this is justified, little attention has been directed to tackling matters pertaining to being underweight. Scientifically speaking, people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is under 20 are considered to be underweight.

Read More Health Dangers of Being Underweight

Talking to Your Children About Weight Loss

If you are a parent of a child, regardless of whether they are overweight or not, it is a good idea to sit down with them and have a heart-to-heart about how they feel about their body weight. If your child is overweight, or you feel they may be heading in that direction, do not ignore this problem because guaranteed it is something that they are thinking about all the time.

Read More Talking to Your Children About Weight Loss

Weight Loss Obsession

Am I obsessed with weight loss? Right now, maybe yes. My husband calls it weight loss obsession, but I call it weight loss commitment and both of us are right. Sometimes you need to submerge yourself into your weight loss program so that you can just manage to stay on track.

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