Weight Loss Benefits of Garlic

If you want to use garlic for weight loss (based on the antioxidants in it), try to include it naturally in the food dishes you prepare, and remember to eat the correct proportions.

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Exercise Helps Lower Cholesterol

Exercise Helps Lower Cholesterol

Exercise is something we know we need to do, but when you are at risk of higher cholesterol levels or you know that you already have a high reading, it’s time to take action. By exercising more, you can ensure you are keeping your body strong and healthy while also keeping your cholesterol levels within a normal range.

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Weight Loss Foods with Healing Powers

Healing Weight Loss Foods

Choosing to add some of these weight loss foods with healing powers to your diet will not only help to promote good health, but their calorie counts are low, making them helpful for diet plans. Try adding just one or two of these foods each week to see what you enjoy and what you do not. Over time, you will create a diet that protects you as much as it helps you to be slimmer.

Read More Weight Loss Foods with Healing Powers

Spring Diet Helps Weight Loss

Spring Diet Helps Weight Loss

Instead of fearing the day when you have to reveal your winter body, you can start a spring diet to help weight loss that includes new and fresh groups of foods. With so many fresh foods available in the springtime it’s not difficult to lose weight, trim calories, and improve your overall health and energy.

Read More Spring Diet Helps Weight Loss

Weight Loss Foods That Improve Your Mood

Do you want to feel better, happier and more relaxed without turning to that tub of double chocolate fudge ice cream for comfort? Try adding some of these weight loss foods that improve your mood to your daily diet.

Read More Weight Loss Foods That Improve Your Mood

How Fiber Helps Weight Loss

From what I can tell, eating enough dietary fiber may be a valuable trick for losing weight that is easily overlooked. Of its many health benefits, fiber helps to curb hunger, suppress appetite, increase the rate of digestion and improve intestinal health.

Read More How Fiber Helps Weight Loss

Trans Fats and How to Avoid Them

Saturated fats aren’t the only fats to watch out for when reading a nutritional label. There are also unhealthy types of unsaturated fats called Trans Fats. Trans fats occur when unsaturated fats are hydrogenated.

Read More Trans Fats and How to Avoid Them

Ginseng for Weight Loss and Health

Modern day scientists have discovered properties of ginseng that may be responsible for weight reduction. Research has found that ginseng helps in improving an individual’s rate of metabolism, thus reducing the amount of food energy converted into body fat.

Read More Ginseng for Weight Loss and Health

The Truth about Red Meat Digestion

I was enjoying a perfectly cooked rare beef fillet mignon yesterday when I was rudely interrupted by my friend who thought it pertinent to tell me that “Red meat stays in your digestive tract for 3 months, you shouldn’t eat it”. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this myth about the digestion of red meat taking 3 months, but I always thought it seemed rather far fetched.

Read More The Truth about Red Meat Digestion

McDonald’s Diet helps Chris Colsen lose over 85 pounds

It has only been a few days after my proclamation that I will be abstaining from my favorite fast-food chain, McDonald’s, when a news story was released about Chris Colsen, who claims to have lost over 85 pounds by eating McDonald’s for every meal.

Read More McDonald’s Diet helps Chris Colsen lose over 85 pounds