How Vitamin B2 Aids Metabolism

riboflavin weight loss

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a vital part of many of the chemical reactions that occur within the body, particularly those that occur in the metabolism of bioactive molecules and micronutrients.

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Eating Probiotics to Treat and Prevent Allergies

When your immune system is working well, it can combat the allergens in the air. Thus, if you begin to take probiotics as a part of your daily supplement program, you will find that the allergies you have suddenly gained are now no longer a problem.

Read More Eating Probiotics to Treat and Prevent Allergies

Diet Treats Foil Weight Loss

Diet treats, when used in conjunction with dieting and exercise can really help, but many end up doing more damage than good. Getting around these damaging diet treats is a matter of using common sense, reading labels, and trusting your instincts. Here are just a few ways in which diet treats foil weight loss and trick vulnerable dieters like you and me.

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Weight Loss Foods That Improve Your Mood

Do you want to feel better, happier and more relaxed without turning to that tub of double chocolate fudge ice cream for comfort? Try adding some of these weight loss foods that improve your mood to your daily diet.

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Best Anti-Aging Diet Foods

Most of us know that a healthy and balanced diet plays a big part in weight loss, but one of the other big benefits of a healthier diet is its anti-aging effects on your body. Try adding these best anti-aging diet foods to your diet – they will not only help you shed pounds, but they will make you feel and look younger.

Read More Best Anti-Aging Diet Foods

How Protein Curbs Hunger

One of the best things about protein, other than it being essential for good health and rebuilding muscle tissue, is that protein curbs hunger. If you have ever been on the Atkins Diet or the South Beach Diet, you may already know this.

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Weight Loss Diet using Probiotics

If you want to start a weight loss diet using probiotics, all you have to do is to eat the right foods or find the right supplement. Probiotics are most commonly found in fermented foods and drinks. Other than yogurt and other cultured dairy products, probiotics can be found in Kefir (a fermented milk drink), cultured butter, unpasteurized miso, and Kombucha that is a fermented tea.

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