Best Foods for Weight Loss

There are some foods out there that help you lose weight more than others. Some of these foods are suprisingly common and would often be overlooked at the grocery store, until now. Check out these fat busting foods.

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Carbohydrates Help Burn Fats

During exercise, carbohydrates are broken down and one of the products of this is oxaloacetic acid. The importance of oxaloacetic acid is that it is used to breakdown stored fats into fuel, which is then used by the body for energy.

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Eating Carbs Helped Me Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

I have started to include a few whole grains into my diet and the results have been incredible. I have started losing weight again and have so much more energy for exercise than I did before.

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Are Health Foods Really that Healthy?

You see it almost everywhere in a grocery store, the promotion of “healthy” alternatives for our old favorites such as baked potato chips and low-fat cookies, but are these health foods really that much more healthy for us?

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The Truth about Losing Body Fat

If you want to have a nice flat stomach, or even a six pack, then heed my advice. To get this you will need to lose most of the fat on your body.

Read More The Truth about Losing Body Fat

Daily Protein Requirements

Many people seem curious about how much protein they should be eating every day. Although there are many diet and nutrition sources that will give you different values for these numbers, there is a basic rule of thumb for your daily protein needs that can be simply calculated.

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Acai Berry and Weight Loss

What is the real deal with Acai Berry? Does this new “Superfood” really promote weight loss as one of its touted benefits?

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