New Year’s Resolutions for Fitness

Some resolutions for fitness work better than others. This is because they must match your lifestyle.

When you have New Years resolutions for fitness you tend to have to go crazy with it and ultimately fail. This is normal and this is yearly for most. there are reasons for this which we will get into right here and then show you some better resolutions you would be more apt to keep and by the time we get there you will know exactly why.

Why new years resolutions for fitness fail:

What happens is that we hit this imaginary wall of a date and take it way too seriously. It means that there is an illusory excitement that we have to live up to in order to fulfill what we think we need to do. So, the pressure mounts and we hit the bricks. Sales for gym clothes and sneakers skyrocket between Christmas and New Years and we spend a bloody fortune on a gym or gym equipment. Then as we get back to work and get back to normal–our old routine sets in. We don’t go to the gym and our home gym equipment gets to be a hanger in the garage.

So, what do we do to keep this from repeating itself? Well first we have to understand one last thing and the “aha” moment will catch on. Never do anything that you don’t want to do at a time that you don’t want to do it or you won’t have any success doing it!

Aha! Yep this is the number one way to get disciplined and start carrying out those resolutions for fitness. Figure out what you like and do that! Walk, swim, play tennis and then once you are enjoying it–you’ll prosper!

New resolutions for

Read More New Year’s Resolutions for Fitness

Weekly Strength Training Routine for Weight Loss

weekly strength training routine

This weekly strength training routine gives your muscles time to recover and grow as you lose weight.

If you are looking for a new weekly strength training routine, or you’re just ready to take on some strength training it is possible to get even stronger in just 15 minutes a day. The key is to utilize each day of the week to target a different muscle group. By doing this you are allowing your muscles enough time to recover, rebuild, and in turn become stronger. Just make sure you incorporate plenty of stretching, warm-up time, and cooldown time to your routine.

Strength Training Routine: Monday and Thursday-Arms and Shoulders

There are many great arm exercises. You can do either push-ups, dumbbell curls, forearm plank, chair dips, or the balance course strengthener. A one arm strengthening favorite is the Plank Press. Get into full push-up position with arms shoulder-width apart and hands directly under shoulders. Dumbbells are optional, if you choose to use them you will need 3 to 5 pounds. Keep your hips level, lift right hand and pick up one dumbbell; bring right elbow backward at shoulder level, keep your arm close to your side and your palm facing down. Then extend your right arm forward, turn right elbow to bent position and repeat. Do 10 reps then switch sides and repeat, doing two sets.

Strength Training Routine: Tuesday and Friday-Core

core exercises are essential for a well-rounded fitness program. Core exercises help to improve your balance and stability. Core exercises help your pelvis, lower back, abdomen, and hips to work in sync with each other, leading to better balance and stability. Core exercises are convenient and they don’t require any special equipment. A common and effective core workout is a bridge. Lay down on your back

Read More Weekly Strength Training Routine for Weight Loss

Cardio Exercises That Burn Fat Faster

cardio exercises that burn more fat

Not all cardio exercises are equal. Things such as biking on uneven terrain are highly effective for burning maximum fat.

It’s common knowledge that cardio burns fat. The big question is which cardio exercises burn fat faster. The answer is not only the kind of cardio, but the conditions under which you also do the cardio exercises. Factors such as timing, food, and customization will also make a significant difference in how much that is actually burned.

Morning cardio training on an empty stomach is a common and effective practice. By keeping the body drained of its stored form of glucose it’s then forced to burn fat or protein. This means first thing in the morning your cortisol hormone is hot and is going to break down the appropriate tissues based on the hormones that are around. When you eat, insulin is elevated and then the cortisone will attack your muscles. However if you do not eat prior to cardio, your body will then go after your body fat. This is a way to make your cardio burn fat faster, no matter what the cardio is.

High intensity interval training is the superior of cardio exercises. Not only does it burn more calories, but it also tends to burn more fat as well. High intensity interval training really does burn fat fast so you can get the same result in the 15 to 20 minute session that you can get in a 30 to 45 minute session of any other exercise. An example of high intensity interval training would be if you were to go jogging for two minutes Sprint for one minute then go back to jogging for two minutes repeating the sequence for 15 to 20 minutes. This can be applied to anything including cycling, elliptical,

Read More Cardio Exercises That Burn Fat Faster

Weight Loss Center: What Type Is Right For You?

Weight Loss Fitness Center

A weight loss center provides structured programs that are devised to make you lose weight faster in the safest way possible. There are different types of weight loss centers, all of which are effective. However, when you choose the right type, you are guaranteed to have more satisfying results.

Read More Weight Loss Center: What Type Is Right For You?

Cutting Calories or Exercising More – Which is Better for Weight Loss?

Cutting Calories or Exercising More

Cutting calories certainly does have it’s downsides though. Moodiness, hunger pangs, and a lack of energy are just a few of the bothersome symptoms of a reduced-calorie diet that all of us have to get through, and many of us don’t. So is it possible that exercising more instead of cutting calories is better for weight loss, at least at the beginning? This is the big question you will need to answer when planning your own weight loss strategy.

Read More Cutting Calories or Exercising More – Which is Better for Weight Loss?

10 Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain

Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain

Losing weight is often just a matter of changing a few things in your diet and in your lifestyle. And just as simple as it is to lose weight by making small changes in your diet and lifestyle, it is just as easy to gain weight if some of these common bad habits are not addressed. By making sure you avoid these 10 bad habits that cause weight gain you will likely start to see your weight drop on a more consistent basis.

Read More 10 Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain

Exercise Helps Lower Cholesterol

Exercise Helps Lower Cholesterol

Exercise is something we know we need to do, but when you are at risk of higher cholesterol levels or you know that you already have a high reading, it’s time to take action. By exercising more, you can ensure you are keeping your body strong and healthy while also keeping your cholesterol levels within a normal range.

Read More Exercise Helps Lower Cholesterol

30 Minute Exercises for Weight Loss

Thirty minutes of exercise each day is the best way to make sure you lose weight without losing your free time. 30 minute workouts will not only help a person lose weight, but also will help to boost the body’s metabolism to continue to burn calories the rest of the day.

Read More 30 Minute Exercises for Weight Loss

Using Target Heart Rate for Weight Loss

Your target heart rate is the rate at which your body is actually burning the most calories for your physical effort. For this reason, the target heart rate range is also referred to as the Fat Burning Zone or Calorie Burning Zone.

Read More Using Target Heart Rate for Weight Loss

Big Fat Excuses

Making “Big Fat Excuses” is something that all of us who have wanted to lose weight have made at some point. In fact, over the almost 20 years that I have been either overweight or obese I have probably made a hundred different excuses for why I couldn’t start a diet, or stick to a diet, or get more exercise, or stop eating junk food, and so on. What I hope everyone who reads this post will do today is take a moment to reflect on what excuses they may have been making that are preventing them from reaching their weight loss goals.

Read More Big Fat Excuses