Weight Loss is a Laughing Matter

Weight Loss with Laughter

While the calorie count for laughing doesn’t sound all that high, just laughing for ten to fifteen minutes each day can add up to almost a five pound weight loss over the course of the year. This is a significant weight loss – or it can simply help you to not gain those pounds over the year.

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30 Minute Exercises for Weight Loss

Thirty minutes of exercise each day is the best way to make sure you lose weight without losing your free time. 30 minute workouts will not only help a person lose weight, but also will help to boost the body’s metabolism to continue to burn calories the rest of the day.

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Using Target Heart Rate for Weight Loss

Your target heart rate is the rate at which your body is actually burning the most calories for your physical effort. For this reason, the target heart rate range is also referred to as the Fat Burning Zone or Calorie Burning Zone.

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Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss

While electric muscle stimulation (EMS) sounds like something you see only in movies, it is a real thing used in the world of sports and medicine. However, it may not be as useful as real exercise to the average athlete or dieter.

Read More Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss

What Causes a Slow Metabolism

On a number of occasions I have met people who claim they cannot lose weight, not because of a lack of effort or poor dieting, but because they have a slow metabolism. Although the personal trainers and dietitians from ‘The Biggest Loser’ may not take this as a valid excuse for not losing weight, it is true that some people’s metabolism is slower than others.

Read More What Causes a Slow Metabolism

Video Games That Help You Lose Weight

What I like most about video games that help you lose weight is that they are bringing the “fun” back into exercising. Even if you aren’t a person who has enjoyed video games in the past, Wii Fit and EA Active are two games that will entertain almost everyone. Whether you use these video games just on rainy days when exercising outside is unpleasant, or you incorporate them into your daily routine, one thing is for sure… your body will become stronger and healthier, you will burn calories and you will have a good time doing it. As far as working out goes, that’s about as good as it get.

Read More Video Games That Help You Lose Weight