Benefits of Joining a Weight Loss Community

Benefits of Joining a Weight Loss Community

One example of a very helpful free online community is It has all of those features and more, including personalized tickers that help you to keep track of your own progress in terms of lost pounds and exercise.

Read More Benefits of Joining a Weight Loss Community

The Dreaded Body Fat Calculator

Body fat calculators are a useful, self-assessment tool to see where you are physically at the start of a diet and where you need to go. Your body fat calculation isn’t necessarily something that needs to be done by a personal trainer or gym staff.

Read More The Dreaded Body Fat Calculator

Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss

While electric muscle stimulation (EMS) sounds like something you see only in movies, it is a real thing used in the world of sports and medicine. However, it may not be as useful as real exercise to the average athlete or dieter.

Read More Electric Muscle Stimulation Poor for Weight Loss