30 Minute Exercises for Weight Loss

Thirty minutes of exercise each day is the best way to make sure you lose weight without losing your free time. 30 minute workouts will not only help a person lose weight, but also will help to boost the body’s metabolism to continue to burn calories the rest of the day.

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Using Target Heart Rate for Weight Loss

Your target heart rate is the rate at which your body is actually burning the most calories for your physical effort. For this reason, the target heart rate range is also referred to as the Fat Burning Zone or Calorie Burning Zone.

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Improving Weight Loss Motivation

People talk about willpower, but there really is no such thing – at least not in the way you think. You can not diet on willpower alone. You have to have some tricks up your sleeve for improving and maintaining your weight loss motivation.

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Getting In Shape After 40

The first thing you have to know about getting in shape after 40 is that your metabolism is not what it used to be. This means your energy may not be quite what it was, but that does not have to be a huge roadblock.

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