3 Ways I Fight Off the Lazy Day Feeling

I know I talk a lot about living a healthier lifestyle, keeping up with fitness and exercise, eating right, and all that good stuff, but I’m not immune to that lazy day feeling and how hard it is to fight it off.

Read More 3 Ways I Fight Off the Lazy Day Feeling

Hang in There! Quotes for Weight Loss Motivation

Sometimes the simple act of reading an inspirational quote is all that you need to start feeling motivated, to get yourself back on track when you have fallen off course, and to keep you going strong when you are working towards an important goal. That is why quotes for weight loss motivation are so easy to find and so popular.

Read More Hang in There! Quotes for Weight Loss Motivation

Top Reasons Why You Cannot Lose Weight

One of the top reasons you can’t lose weight is that you don’t have a weight management plan for when you are finished dieting. You can not simply change the way that you eat, lose weight, and then go back to your old eating and lifestyle choices.

Read More Top Reasons Why You Cannot Lose Weight

Improving Weight Loss Motivation

People talk about willpower, but there really is no such thing – at least not in the way you think. You can not diet on willpower alone. You have to have some tricks up your sleeve for improving and maintaining your weight loss motivation.

Read More Improving Weight Loss Motivation