Does The 400 Calorie Fix Diet Plan Work?

400 Calorie Fix Diet Plan

The conclusion of this 400 Calorie Fix Review is this – limiting your daily calorie intake will make you lose weight, so this may be an effective weight loss method. To get the most out of this diet, stay clear of fast food and eat a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. As with all diet plans the 400 Calorie Fix is intended to be practiced in conjunction with a regular exercise routine to encourage your body to burn already stored fat. The more you move and exercise the more weight you will lose.

Read More Does The 400 Calorie Fix Diet Plan Work?

10 Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain

Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain

Losing weight is often just a matter of changing a few things in your diet and in your lifestyle. And just as simple as it is to lose weight by making small changes in your diet and lifestyle, it is just as easy to gain weight if some of these common bad habits are not addressed. By making sure you avoid these 10 bad habits that cause weight gain you will likely start to see your weight drop on a more consistent basis.

Read More 10 Bad Habits That Cause Weight Gain

Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

The Standard American Diet is one that focuses on food for pleasure and convenience, rather than being a diet that encourages good health. The daily caloric content of this diet is high, generally around 2500 calories for the average adult.

Read More Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

Workplace Weight Loss Tips

There are many different things that you can bring into your everyday work routine that can make all the difference to your weight loss while barely changing anything throughout your daily work life.

Read More Workplace Weight Loss Tips

Big Fat Excuses

Making “Big Fat Excuses” is something that all of us who have wanted to lose weight have made at some point. In fact, over the almost 20 years that I have been either overweight or obese I have probably made a hundred different excuses for why I couldn’t start a diet, or stick to a diet, or get more exercise, or stop eating junk food, and so on. What I hope everyone who reads this post will do today is take a moment to reflect on what excuses they may have been making that are preventing them from reaching their weight loss goals.

Read More Big Fat Excuses

Low Calorie Lunch Ideas

As you can see from these three low calorie lunch ideas, there is an unlimited number of foods that you can combine together to make a delicious and low-cal, noon-time meal. These meals will help to keep you full until dinner, perhaps with only one small snack in between, and give you energy for work and exercise.

Read More Low Calorie Lunch Ideas

McDonald’s Diet helps Chris Colsen lose over 85 pounds

It has only been a few days after my proclamation that I will be abstaining from my favorite fast-food chain, McDonald’s, when a news story was released about Chris Colsen, who claims to have lost over 85 pounds by eating McDonald’s for every meal.

Read More McDonald’s Diet helps Chris Colsen lose over 85 pounds

Australia becomes the fattest country in the World

Proud Americans have lost their world setting record of the fattest country to their friends down under, the Aussies. By a slim 1% to beat out the Americans, 26% of Australians are obese, that’s more than 1 in 4 people.

Read More Australia becomes the fattest country in the World