Diet Changes That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Diet Changes Lower Blood Pressure

As you can see, with just a few minor diet changes you can lower your blood pressure naturally. What’s even better is that these diet changes are also ones that will help you to lose weight. In fact,a healthy diet that consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy will go a far way to not only lowering your blood pressure, but also your body weight.

Read More Diet Changes That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

The Standard American Diet is one that focuses on food for pleasure and convenience, rather than being a diet that encourages good health. The daily caloric content of this diet is high, generally around 2500 calories for the average adult.

Read More Standard American Diet Attributed to Obesity and Poor Health

Weight Gain Caused By Water Retention

It is not entirely uncommon for a person retaining water to gain up to five pounds in water weight alone either overnight or over a period of a couple days. This can make it not only challenging to fit into one’s clothes, but it can also make regular weight loss quite a struggle.

Read More Weight Gain Caused By Water Retention

Zero Calorie Food Flavorings

There are a number of excellent zero calorie food flavorings that can bring zest back to your meals without the addition of calories or sodium. If you are trying to lose weight then add some of these zero calorie food flavorings to your weight loss arsenal – your taste buds won’t be disappointed.

Read More Zero Calorie Food Flavorings

Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

There are a few things to understand about fats, carbs, and proteins that will help any dieter. The more a person knows about what they are eating and why they are eating them, the more powerful their diet is going to be for them.

Read More Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

Foods That Improve Heart Health

With so much focus on losing weight, it is sometimes easy to overlook the other big health benefits of switching to a healthier diet. One part of your body that will greatly benefit from you eating less fatty foods and more fruits, veggies and whole grains is your heart.

Read More Foods That Improve Heart Health

Losing Weight on a Raw Food Diet

Losing weight on a raw food diet is very likely as long as you control portion size and continue to watch calorie consumption. Although raw foods have nutritional benefits over processed foods, this does not mean that they are low in calories.

Read More Losing Weight on a Raw Food Diet

Gaining Weight when Dieting

Gaining weight when dieting is one of the most frustrating and defeating things that happens. The only consolation is that it is not just happening to you or me, it happens to every person who has ever tried to lose weight.

Read More Gaining Weight when Dieting