Lifting Yourself from a Weight Loss Funk

Lifting From Weight Loss Funk

No matter how committed you are to your weight loss program, everyone hits a low point at some time. Instead of letting it get you down, try boosting your motivation by recognizing your achievements, changing things up, and rewarding yourself. Using these techniques can help lift yourself out of a weight loss funk in no time and continue on your way to a healthier and thinner you.

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Key to Long Term Weight Loss Success

Long Term Weight Loss Success

As most of us know, losing weight is not only a physical challenge, but a mental one. Mentally, the primary key to long term weight loss success is realizing that losing weight isn’t just about reaching your goal weight, it’s about making healthy lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime.

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Helpful Weight Loss Calculators

There are many helpful weight loss calculators online. These calculators can give estimates of your BMI (Body Mass Index), daily calorie needs, how many calories you burn during exercise and much, much more.

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Losing Weight on a Raw Food Diet

Losing weight on a raw food diet is very likely as long as you control portion size and continue to watch calorie consumption. Although raw foods have nutritional benefits over processed foods, this does not mean that they are low in calories.

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Best Online Diet Trackers

Today, whether keeping track of calories or miles walked, there are great online trackers that take most of the work out of the endeavor for you while keeping the most accurate count you can get. Take advantage of some of these useful and sometimes free trackers to make your life more simple.

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