Understanding Food Labels

All in all, food labels are there to help you as the consumer make educated decisions, and once you understand the package labeling, you will find that you can make better choices on the nutrition you intake, along with having more ease following a dietary plan or avoiding allergies.

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Is Fat Becoming the New Thin?

We live in a society that holds the slogan “Bigger is Better” close to its heart. Everything from TV’s to meals at restaurants seem to all be growing in size and it is no surprise that so are Americans.

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Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

There are a few things to understand about fats, carbs, and proteins that will help any dieter. The more a person knows about what they are eating and why they are eating them, the more powerful their diet is going to be for them.

Read More Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

Best Online Diet Trackers

Today, whether keeping track of calories or miles walked, there are great online trackers that take most of the work out of the endeavor for you while keeping the most accurate count you can get. Take advantage of some of these useful and sometimes free trackers to make your life more simple.

Read More Best Online Diet Trackers