Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

There are a few things to understand about fats, carbs, and proteins that will help any dieter. The more a person knows about what they are eating and why they are eating them, the more powerful their diet is going to be for them.

Read More Carb Protein Fat Ratio in a Healthy Weight Loss Diet

Why You Need Carbohydrates

I think many people who are dieting are concerned about eating carbohydrates. Although it is important to limit your consumption of these foods, eating some carbohydrates can actually help you burn more energy while you exercise. So to clear up some confusion, lets explore why you need carbohydates in your diet.

Read More Why You Need Carbohydrates

What to Eat Before and After Exercise

The foods you eat before and after exercise can help you or hinder you, depending on your goals. This is very important for losing weight or for men trying to build muscle, but it is a good idea for anyone on an exercise program to know what they should and should not be eating when physically active.

Read More What to Eat Before and After Exercise