Weight Loss Blogging: The Best Dieting Tips I’ve Learned

Now that I’m calming down from my excitement from this morning’s weigh in I can begin to reflect on what I have learned over the past year of blogging. As I’m searching through my old posts and reading through some of my favorites, I feel that today would be perfect for pointing out the best dieting tips I’ve learned over the past year.

Read More Weight Loss Blogging: The Best Dieting Tips I’ve Learned

Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings

In this candyland world that we live in, some of us are going to need a lot more help in fighting sugar cravings when dieting. So today I would like to suggest some ways to fight sugar cravings that are natural and healthy.

Read More Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings

Weight Loss with Fat Burners

If you are hoping to experience rapid weight loss with fat burners then your approach to losing weight is already dooming you to failure. It is true that some fat burners can help you to lose more weight, but they are only a temporary weight loss method.

Read More Weight Loss with Fat Burners

What Causes Hunger Pangs

Hunger pangs are used to describe the contractions of your empty stomach as it expresses its great upset in being left unfed. You may think that it is your stomach to blame for these feelings, but actually there are many causes of hunger pangs that have nothing to do with your nagging stomach.

Read More What Causes Hunger Pangs

Insulin Response to Sight and Smell of Sweet Foods

The evolution of the “sweet tooth” is quite fascinating, but even more interesting is how our bodies have evolved to respond to the mere suggestion of incoming calories. Even at the sight or smell of sweets, lets say donuts, our brains trigger a reaction in our bodies called the Cephalic Phase Insulin Response.

Read More Insulin Response to Sight and Smell of Sweet Foods