Avoid These Craving Foods At All Costs

craving foods to avoid

Craving foods like doughnuts can derail your weight loss goals.

Many people aren’t aware that certain foods will start a craving that will sabotage their dieting efforts. Or conversely if you aren’t overweight, a craving can take you there. There are even specific craving foods that bring on powerful cravings.

What is a craving and how does it work?

Cravings are incredibly powerful triggers in the brain that is an actual addiction. And food will become an addiction and here is how it works. For example—sugar—a highly addictive substance will cause a chemical “crash” and make you want more so you eat more—it’s that simple. So how can you be addicted to something that doesn’t make you high? Well that is simple—it does—just not the way a synthetic drug does. When you eat sugar, this is what you use to give you energy—so, when you need more energy your brain goes into overdrive for the sugar.

Other craving foods to avoid

In many online polls all over the web these are the trigger craving foods that are the most likely to pull a one taste craving trigger immediately. The craving foods should be avoided if at all possible.

Bacon: yes that porky, greasy and deadly devil can have you hypnotized even at the smell of it cooking on the grill just ready for two eggs and a side of sausage links (more pork).

Licorice: ok that’s an odd one and though it is a helpful herb—not in this form—its sugar and um—we’ve been through that one already.

Burgers and Fries: Beef is just as guilty a habit as pork. Beef is less likely to spike your blood pressure into orbit like pig meat but it does nothing for the cleanliness of your arteries. And yes, the protein in

Read More Avoid These Craving Foods At All Costs

Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings

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Weight Loss with Fat Burners

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