What is the National Weight Control Registry?

Sometimes I wonder where I have been. The other day I was reading up on some new weight loss topics when I came across mention of the National Weight Control Registry. I visited the official website to learn more and found it such a valuable weight loss resource that I want to share it with everyone here.

National Weight Control Registry

Preliminary research by the National Weight Control Registry shows that daily exercise is very important for losing weight and maintaining weight loss.

According to some scientific findings, up to 50% of the population of the United States is overweight. And even more alarming is that many of these overweight citizens are obese and morbidly obese. Not only is the problem of weight causing a population of dieters, but it is also creating a situation in which those carrying extra weight are at a higher right of long term health problems – heart disease, hypertension, etc. The National Weight Control Registry was created in order to help curb this alarming trend and to encourage people to reach and to maintain a normal weight.

Established in 1994, the National Weight Control Registry is an investigation into what makes some people overweight and others successful at weight loss or healthy weight maintenance. Since Dr. Rena Wing from Brown Medical School and Dr. James O. Hill from the University of Colorado founded the National Weight Control Registry in order to find out what was common among those who were able to lose a substantial amount of weight and keep it off. By collecting data on weight loss success stories, the researchers have been able to create a website and many files about what works for weight loss and what does not.

The National Weight Control Registry is tracking over 5000 people who have lost weight and kept it off over an extended period of time. By looking at surveys filled out by these people, the researchers hope to create a system of weight loss which will work for those who are still struggling with the scale.

Anyone can become a part of the National Weight Control Registry, but they do have to fit a certain set of standard criteria. The person applying needs to be over 18 years of age to consent to sharing their information. In addition, the person needs to have lost 30 pounds and to have maintained this weight loss for at least one year in order to be considered. There are forms for the applicant to fill out, located on the National Weight Control Registry website. In addition, those who are accepted will be required to fill out regular surveys about their diet, exercise, psychological, and lifestyle habits in order for the registry to spot patterns in those who have lose weight.

While at first the National Weight Control Registry looks to be a collection of those who are only winning the weight loss battle, without giving any advice or guidance to those who want to lose weight, the registry does have many benefits. The National Weight Control Registry is going to compile the data and then share it with the rest of the community in order to help point out behaviors that are in common among successful dieters and exercisers. This will help those struggling begin to see how they need to change their own life in order to be a success.

A couple of my favorite aspects of the National Weight Control Registry is that it has released a few research findings and does have some excellent success stories. I encourage everyone to at least read through the research findings, which emphasizes the importance of daily physical activity and making diet changes to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Visit the National Weight Control Registry yourself to learn more about this terrific undertaking.

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