Fitness Bloggers to Inspire You to Exercise and Get Fit

Following Fitness Bloggers is a fun, interesting and often exciting way to keep yourself informed and motivated. It’s great to come across someone who has similar goals and a similar attitude to our own. This helps to explain why they’re always being discussed as sources in active weight loss forum threads. That said, it’s not necessarily something easy to find in the real world. Online, on the other hand, we have the entire world’s thoughts and opinions at our fingertips. Fortunately, that includes people sharing their workout journeys, too.

Check Out These Top Inspiring Fitness Bloggers

Have a look at each of these fitness bloggers to find one that inspires you the most. Each one has a wealth of health, exercise and even weight loss information to share.

Love Sweat Fitness

Love Sweat Fitness is by one of the most popular fitness bloggers, Katie Dunlop. She is a certified personal trainer (NCCPT), a group fitness instructor and is now an entrepreneur, as well. She lives in Orange County, California and created her blog to build a community to inspire women worldwide to “find their happy, healthy hot body”. The official site features a blog, but she also has a YouTube channel with over 220,000 subscribers.

Dunlop first started as a fitness blogger after graduating from college when she was 45 pounds overweight. She wanted to leave fad diets and trendy workouts behind for something healthier and more realistic, instead.

100 Days

100 Days is a hundred-day journey documented by John Green – award winning novelist – and his best friend, Chris Waters. The two would hardly consider themselves to be fitness bloggers, but they went on a “quest” over one hundred days to improve their health and fitness. They started off as two unfit, average men who were nearly forty years old and learned from fitness and nutrition experts regarding making sustainable healthy choices in their lives.

They measured their progress with several health metrics, though they deliberately decided not to measure their weight. Instead, they used medical tests and fitness tests to gauge the difference. The result is a highly relatable and greatly amusing series of honest videos.

Fitness on Toast

Fitness on Toast was started in 2013 by fitness blogger Faya Nilsson. At first, this personal trainer used her blog to share healthy and unique recipes with her clients. That said, it expanded to include nutrition tips, to share workout ideas and even to point to certain “fitness fashion” looks Nilsson liked. Since then, the blog – and its following – have grown explosively, with a goal of sharing a beautiful healthful message, with beautiful healthy imagery.

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