Weight Loss Blogs Offer Online Support

Whether you are overweight, obese, or a perfectly healthy person who wants to lose that last 10 pounds; you can benefit from a visit to a weight loss blog. These dedicated sites will help you to find out how to burn fat, or maintain that fabulous body you worked so hard to get. Who knows? You might even be surprised to know that even skinny people aren’t that healthy or secure as you once thought they were.

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The Hydroxycut Recall

Hydroxycut was recalled after there were 23 different reports of people who took the supplement having liver-related problems. Even though the numbers were very small in comparison to the number of people who took this supplement, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) issued an official warning about taking these weight loss products on May 1, 2009, in which they deem all 14 Hydroxycut products unsafe for consumption.

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